Ruling 3 Decks, which one should I use for Battle Roads.


Octi-Snipe, Kricketuning, Poison Moving or Psychic Barrier.

Octi-SNipe features
Empoleon and Octillery plus Glalie to Snipe.

Kricketuning features well Kricetune.

Poison Moving features full lines of Sandslash and Toixcroak to inflict conditions.

And Psychic Barrier is Alakazam MT and Glalie for protection from Stage 2's.

I am stuck on the top 3 though.
for the ala deck play a 3-3 ala line and a 3-2-3 Nidoqueen like (delta) for the Posion one play 2 skarmory EX and maybe some dudrio to sread damage for a faster poison