(3) Landorus Promo, Different Zekrom Holo Treatments, Eeveelution Game Ending [5/1]

I think I prefer the 1st print run Zekrom, the 2nd one seems a bit off. Can't say for sure until I see both of them in person.
Landorus seems alright, can get set up T2, and has nice HP for a Basic. Probably won't see much mainstream play though. I haven't played the Eevee game yet, so should get around to it at some point. And First!
I like the second print because I don't think I would use this card in play. So it'd be another colorful print on binder.
As for the game, I would suggest having a good mouse on a flat surface, I beat in on my brother's and my friends account and I played the game for fun and beaten it (that's 2 Espeon and an Umbreon), it gets easier with practice.
The points I got from it payed for the stuff I bought my avatar.
I just wish they would release them already.
The second print Zekrom feels nicer than the first one, while Reshiram's first print feels better than the second print IMO.

Kinda weird, but oh well.
Does anyone find it odd that, Simisage burns, Simisear puts pokemon to sleep, and Simipour takes advantage of grass energy?
Just something I noticed and think is weird because their effects don't really go with each other.
outofideas82 said:
For what it's worth, a kid in my league said he got BOTH Zekrom cards from one pack yesterday.
Hmm... could what we think is the first print run is actually a RH?
Water Pokémon Master said:
outofideas82 said:
For what it's worth, a kid in my league said he got BOTH Zekrom cards from one pack yesterday.
Hmm... could what we think is the first print run is actually a RH?
Is it actually confirmed that it was a first print and second print kind of thing, meaning the first print card is going to be worth a lot more?

@outofideas82: Just to make sure, when you say both versions, do you mean one of each full art, or one full art one normal art?
it cant be 2 full arts. it had to be 1 FA and 1 RH zekrom regular

i think its safe to say that there are 2 printings of FA's.
black gloss zekrom is going to be worth quite a bit now
I have seen a couple of Reshiram, but they all looked the same. WPM can you put the FA and RH of Reshiram in the story when you get a hold of them?
I wonder if there is a difference in value? I'm trying to figure out which version I have. IT has texture in the background, so that makes it a regular version?
they both have textured background.
zekrom is easy to tell apart
one is black glossy smooth
one is gray matte smooth

reshiram on the otherhand takes a very very close look
they both have a textured feel
however, one is slightly more glossy and one is more smooth and matte
i mentioned they might be Reverse holo versions ages ago in the thread about it.

also the Eveelutions game. i completed it ages ago. BUT havent got round to picking up the umbreon yet. does anyone know if i have to pick up my umbreon before 5th or will it be safe where it is.
^I'm also curious about that. I haven't had time to figure out how all the dream world stuff works, but I couldn't pass up a quick feet jolteon.
wait.. wait..
I'm confuse about different FA Zekrom..

It said the first one is the RH one and the second one (with opaque background) the Holo version one..
but I opened a box and only got a FA Zekrom just like the 1st one (meaning its a RH one right?) but I got it at Holo spot..

also, does it mean, I opened a box without a secret rare FA zekrom in it??
Both of the ones I pulled (gray and black) were in the "rare" position. Both packs had reverse holos as well as the Zekrom. As to the claim of getting both in one pack, I doubt VERY seriously that it's true.

Also, if it really is RH it isn't the first time a secret rare has had a Reverse Holo, contrary to what the FP article claims. The Crystal versions in Skyridge had reverse holo counterparts.
let me confirm this once for all, having pulled multiples of both types.


first print run (everything without codes) - black zekrom aka GLOSSY RH FA's
second print run (everything WITH codes) - Grey zekrom aka MATTED FA's

people are just throwing random guesses out there