3DS Wi-Fi Connection Problems


Aspiring Trainer
I didn't know where to post this at. I'll just post it here and if a transfer is necessary I count on the admins to transfer it to its right place.

Hey. I've been struggling for already a very long while with wifi connections problems with both of my SS and B games on my 3DS. I've called my router's company's support department but they did not succeed helping me out with it. Today I talked with them another time, and they checked for solutions for my specific error which the device shows. They found this link which is supposed to help. They sent me the IP address of my router aswell so I can follow its instructions. Here's the link, http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc...ystem=3DS&loca

The device says the IP I filled is wrong, although I got it directly from the company itself. What can I do? I've nearly tried everything.
RE: Wifi Connection Problems

You need to copy the full url because it is giving a not found error.

Anyway I use a Manual Setup on my 3DS. What you want to do is put your Default Gateway into your web address bar while on a computer or laptop. This will let you get the information you'll need like DNS servers. To get this value you can open Command Prompt on Windows then type ipconfig. With the IP you are on for your computer you add 10 to the last octet of the IP for the IP Address you put in for your 3DS.

Ex. on your laptop/computer would be for your 3DS IP setting.
Wifi Connection Problems

Your thread has been moved to Technology in case you have further questions or someone would like to add additional comments. ;-)