RE: (2) Another Shaymin Sky Forme Image, Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky Card Translations [6/7]
New Shaymin looks like those freakin' digimons. Geez. Stop making new Pokemon, Nintendo, and focus on the good old ones (gen1 and 2 pawn).
The cards own. Rai T3 has high sinergy with Claydol to get energies on hand, and with Pachirisu (everything sinergies with Pachirisu).
Dusknoir X adds a new twist to the game. I like the idea of making it become a stadium, and a stadium that puts damage counters.... Awesome. Loved using Desert Ruins/Cursed Stone with D Ttar, and this is far more powerful than that. Being returned to hand when its discarded is good, because if you have a full powered Noir in play, your opponent may be afraid of discarding the stadium.
I always liked Giratina (dragon/ghost is cool), but like most legendaries, i think its not as strong as it should be in the TCG. The Lost Zone is something i dislike - Pokemon was one of the few card games where "removed from play" didnt exist, and now it does -_-'. They will most likely make cards that retrieve cards from lost zone (Return From Another Dimension, anyone?), but i think this still kills part of the game. And it was a good part imo.
About the trainers, they simply Own. 1 card, draw, 2 cards, Search-4-2. One card, remove 1, 2 cards, remove 8 (so much better than life herb)! This will be so played everywhere, and since they are trainers, they are easier to search (Girafarig, Sableye) and easier to retrieve (if i am not wrong, there is an Unown that recovers trainers from discard, i think its W. Needs some setup, but hey - it would be fun on casual play). Its nice to see cards like those. They bring back part of the speed the metagame had before Drawing and Searching became almost exclusive to Supporters (not counting Pokémons).