4th Generation Cards


Aspiring Trainer
I think they should make a set with every Pokemon in it. They could also chuck in  a few 4th gen pokemon. Nun of the Pokemon would be delta species but some should hav sum intrestin types. For instance a water Lugia. Lugia was called a water Pokemon in Pokémon 2000. Hopefuly if a new format is created for the 4th gen then they could redo some of the types. For instance dark could be classified as psychic and flying could be a whole new type!!!
wow 1 of every pokemon thats a 386 card set w/o energy or trainers but even though it would be really cool it would aslo be really hard to get a certain card you want and wolud be really just a bad idea .......i hope they dont make a different format i think the format lokks fine how it is right now
Yeah i suppose it would be hard to pick up the right cards. But they could also break it into blocks(like in magic) and release a Kanto, Jhoto and Hoehn block.
it would still be a fairly large set but wouldnt breaking it up into different sets causeit to be referred to as different sets all together
it was a good thought just a little large mayba if they just put the main pokemon in instead
RE:  4th Generation Cards

D.N.A said:
Yeah i suppose it would be hard to pick up the right cards. But they could also break it into blocks(like in magic) and release a Kanto, Jhoto and Hoehn block.

well in this case, they might as well make three different sts, johto, kanto and hoenn :rolleyes:
if they make it to 3... no, 4 (4th generation pokemon soon will come) different pack, then 1st pack (kanto) will be the largest pack, since there are 151 pokemon, plus trainers, EXs, and Shiny...
i agree thats why i think they should just put the main pokemon in it maybe it might get a little smaller
I think the current modified format strives to have all Pokémon ever released playable. Not having Alakazam is another issue.

When EX Hidden Legends, EX FireRed & LeafGreen, EX Team Rocket Returns and EX Deoxys are rotated out in September,a revival of Kanto Pokémon would be great which is why Miracle Crystal is on its way.

When EX Emerald, EX Unseen Forces, EX Delta Species and EX Legend Maker go out in 2007, the Johto Pokémon would need to return somewhere.

I rather not have very large sets; just moderately sized sets that contain new versions of newly and older known Pokémon.