Pokemon 5th gen question

J-chan lll

Sorry, I'm too insane to talk to you.
okay, how is it that when 4th gen was coming out, we knew all the new pokemon, like almost a year before anything was made official, but the 5th gen now, we have 2 pokemon and its coming out this year.
Maybe they already made the new Pokemon before they made HG/SS.

I mean, I think they brought back G/S to test out the new 'Pokemon follows you' thing and will put it to Gen 5
I know theyve made the pokemon, but I'm saying why dont we know what they are yet?
We only know what two of the gen 5 Pokemon are. We probably won't learn more for awhile, Japan hasn't even ended gen 4 anime series yet. Its hard to say when we will learn more about gen 5 and the Pokemon they made/making. They could still be in the process of making gen 5.
It's probably too early to still know more information about generation 5. It'll probably still be a while until we see another 5th generation Pokemon.
yeah, I agree with it being because Japan hasnt finished the gen 4 anime series. that makes sense. I didnt really know anything about gen 4 until the gen 3 anime series was ending here. but thats just cuz I wasnt on pokebeach/gym then lol.
J-chan lll said:
okay, how is it that when 4th gen was coming out, we knew all the new pokemon, like almost a year before anything was made official, but the 5th gen now, we have 2 pokemon and its coming out this year.

Excuse me? Perhaps I have been living under a rock, but I don't believe the fifth generation is coming out this year. I believe what they said was a movie featuring a fifth generation Pokemon and it's pre-evolution would be released this year. Nothing about the complete fifth generation.
I believe I heard that the 5th generation games would be coming out "within a year". As this was announced early February, it's likely to be a 2010 release. GS, RS and DP were all released during the end of the year too (around the September-November period).
Krucifier said:
Excuse me? Perhaps I have been living under a rock, but I don't believe the fifth generation is coming out this year. I believe what they said was a movie featuring a fifth generation Pokemon and it's pre-evolution would be released this year. Nothing about the complete fifth generation.

You've been living under a rock:

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