5th Generation Group: Sign-ups

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Unova Champion + President-For-Life
5th Generation Group

This is a group dedicated to the discussion of anything 5th generation. Here, members will discuss in more depth than usual various topics, ranging from what the new region will be like to what we expect from Pokemon Black and White (evos/pre evos/etc.).

How it will be run:

We will begin with a topic decided upon by a poll here on this thread. There will be a list of choices, those of which will be nominated by the members. The topic with the most votes will be discussed first. Once that topic either dies out or there is nothing left to say about it, another poll will be created to decide the next topic. This will ensure for optimal participation in threads since we will be talking about the most desired subject at the time.

How to join:

If you would like to join, simply pm me to avoid cluttering this thread. I will edit this first post to show the members at the bottom. In order to qualify for this group, you must have a Warning Level of 0% upon the time of request.

There is also the big problem of flaming, spamming, and the like. I will have a zero tolerance for this behavior on the thread, and if it happens, the member in question will either be suspended or permanently banned from the group, depending on the severity of the post. I want things kept nice and civil in this group; we are simply discussing pokemon, right?

Lastly, if you will be off of the forums for an extended period of time (i.e. 5 days or longer), please inform me via pm ahead of time so that I know. Any member that remains inactive without a legitimate reason told to me prior to this will be banned from the group. If you return, and have a solid reason why you could not contact me prior to becoming inactive, then I will consider not banning you depending upon the situation (*a death in the family is an automatic pass*, so don’t worry I’ll be too harsh).

Special Conditions:

If a member wishes at some point to revisit a topic that was discussed earlier, he/she may post a suggestion for this movement in the thread. There will be no official poll or vote, but at least 60% of the group must show interest in this action. So, say there are 25 members in the group at some point. One of them moves to return to an earlier discussed topic. In order for the topic to be re-discussed, roughly 15 would have to agree with his/her motion.

Now, this is not to say that if we are talking about evos/pre evos you cannot go off on a small tangent and talk about your opinion on something else. Just don’t be entirely off-topic.

Ex: We are discussing the possible name for the region, the size of it, what time it will be in, etc. Suddenly, one member posts a comment on how he wishes the girl character in Black/White did not look so tomboyish. That, obviously, is random and uncalled for. This instance would only become acceptable if and when this member, instead of just posting this comment, moves to switch back to the character discussion for a little bit because it was on his mind.

If a member does post something entirely off-topic without any prior movement made to switch discussions, I will grant them 1 warning and 1 warning only. If they repeat that action one more time, then they will be suspended from the group for up to 1 week (but no longer).

The Goal:

What we wish to accomplish here is to go more in-depth with this thread than just the general 5th generation forum does. Here, we can further analyze the pics, upcoming news, or anything else pertaining to the new games without mulling through pages of posts that only deal with “how racist the new names are” or something to that extent.

By joining this group, you will be joining a community that will trade and battle with one another respectively, both now and when the new games are released. I hope that this group will form a closer bond so that instead of just checking the chatroom for a random person to trade/battle with, you will have a nice group of people who share a common interest to discuss generation V more in-depth than usual.

Come one, come all, anyone may join!:)
(As long as above requirements are filled);)

{R} Fire {R}

Current Members:
1. Rock Wrecker
2. xxashxx
3. kingofpkm
i looked it up pokemon black and white and its coming out next year but i cant wait to watch the movie
Ok all, since the rate at which we are gaining new members is nominally slow, I am putting us in a state of free-discussion.

Go ahead and talk about anything 5th generation. With the leaks oh so close, maybe even tomorrow morning, tension is rising on the expectations of these upcoming games.

Hmm. What do you guys think about the new starters and how it is geared twards old adults compared to the way it has been?:)
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