• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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60 Card Deck (Mewtwo / Haunter / Honchkrow)


Aspiring Trainer
First off I want to say that I have been collecting and playing pokemon cards since I was 8-9 years old (I'm 18 now). However, despite my large-ish collection (1,000+ cards) and longevity of being a pokemon fan, I have just RECENTLY got into playing the TCG game the "real" way ;) . I always used to play pokemon cards with my friends when we were younger but we would always make up our own games and they were much more simple and fun at the time. Anyways, I have been playing -somewhat- competitively recently, and I have built my own 60 card deck from scratch. It is not tourney legal as most of the cards in it are really old (Most of my pokemon card collection is comprised of cards from the original Base Set up until the EX expansion series) However, I am an amateur at deck building, so please keep that in mind, I would appreciate much feedback and advice, and very little of: " o_O ... Worst deck ever...." :p

Anyways, here it is:

Pokémon: x10

  • x1 Mewtwo (Diamond & Pearl: L.A.) (I use him because of powerful attk.)
    x1 Togepi (EX Rocket)
    x1 Chansey (EX Firered + Leafgreen)
    x1 Sableye (EX Holon Phantoms) (I use him because of his Knock Off attk)
    x1 Gastly (Expedition)
    x1 Haunter (Expedition)
    x1 Murkrow (not sure which expansion he's from, one of the platinum ones I think)
    x1 Honchkrow (B&W D.E.)I use him because of his Diving Swipe attk and high H.P.
    x1 Giratina (Diamond & Pearl L.A.)
    x1 Tangela (EX Legend Maker) I use him because of his -incredible- Entangling Vines attack
Trainers: x25

  • x3 Energy Search
    x2 Switch
    x1 Dual Ball
    x1 Gold Berry
    x1 Engineer's Adjustments (Supporter)
    x1 Strength Charm (Tool)
    x2 Moomoo Milk
    x1 Energy Removal
    x1 Potion
    x1 Curse Powder (Tool)
    x1 Dusk Ball
    x1 Bubble Coat (Tool)
    x1 Professor Elm's Training Method (Supporter)
    x1 Team Galactic's Mars (Supporter)
    x1 Energy Restore
    x1 Celio's Network (Supporter)
    x1 Bill's Maintenance (Supporter)
    x1 Night Maintenance
    x1 Town Map
    x1 Cyrus's Initiative (Supporter)
Energies: x25

  • x5 Darkness Energies (All but one are special energies)
    x17 Psychic Energies
    x1 Potion Energy
    x1 Multi Energy
    x1 React Energy
So yeah there is my amateur-ish deck, I would appreciate an opinion.
Here is what it I have done with it so far:
Right away it was pretty bad, I did a little configuring, and now I can actually beat people with it ;) (I have beat just locals and friends with it a few times)
However, the one thing I noticed about my deck, is that I think I may have too many trainers in it... My deck always runs out before my opponent., and I sometimes lose in this way.
Oh, and the reason I don't have any EX pokemon in my deck is because the only EX pokes I have are the old cards, from the EX series when they were first introduced. I'm sure for those of you who know, it is not worth it for your opponent to take 2 prize cards when your EX poke' can be killed just as easy as any other card ;)

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon