9-11 memories


Do you loooooves me? <3
As we all should know, 9-11 is back 9 years after the actual event. What memories do you have of it? Where were you and what was your reaction? As for me, I just got to kindergarten when my parents quickly pulled me out of school and took me home.
I was still a baby then but it still freaks me out that that might happen again :(
Sad very sad but we need to overcome it and move on RIP all of the lives lost in it. I was only in kindergarden or first grade but I rember hearing it on the radio when I was late to school with my mom


If I recall, I was in a junior high Geography class when my principal announced over the intercom for all teachers to turn on their televisions to CNN, which showed live footage of the twin towers coming down. The entire room was speechless just watching the devastation of the event... Truly, a sad day for the United States of America...
I was 7 years old at the time, but I think I was at home watching the news when all of a sudden the news story instantly changed to "Breaking News", showing live footage of the towers on fire. I wasn't sure if the second plane had already crashed when this happened, but at the time I didn't realise just how serious this was. :( I did take it seriously, however. A few minutes later I saw the towers collapsing D: And perhaps the most disturbing thing - I saw people waving and jumping out the windows! D: It was horrific. For the next few months I had an irrational fear of Bin Laden :(. R.I.P to everyone who was wrongly killed on that day. I send my condolences to all the victims' families. Let this never happen again.
I was in kindergarten at the time this happened. My principal had called all students and staff down to the auditorium for an emergency assembly. It was horrible. She described the events that were taking place. And tbh that was a bad move on her part, because it pretty much caused chaos in the school :3
My parents picked me up not 10 minutes after I heard about that.

What a hellish day.
I'm still praying for the ones we've lost and their families. R.I.P.
I was six, and living in the south of California. I was just home from school, and my mum was shaking. It was strange. I never really registered it. I wasn't really aware what was the problem witha few towers exploding. I was kinda ignorant.
My dad was picking me and my sister up from kindergarten. We were riding in the car, and listening to the radio, and my sister and I were arguing. My dad said, "shh, quiet, guys, something is happening." I didn't really understand it, but you never forget when you hear about something so awful (my dad says he remembers the moment he heard about Kennedy getting shot). I only saw the footage recently, as my class was studying the MIddle East. Rest in peace, all who were lost that day, and my condolences to all of their family.
I was in 2nd or third grade. My principal came over the intercom, she was crying, and filled us in on what had happened. I don't remember it too well, like my reaction or my teachers. I stayed at school the whole day though.

My mom was actually going to be in NY that day. She was there on business I think and was going to fly home that day, but my little brother had a bad asthma attack a day or two earlier and she flew home early.
I was 4 when it happened. I don't remember much, I just remember the news on with a lot of people at my house watching. That is all. Rest in Piece everyone.
I can't remember much at all, either, since I was four. But to this day, I still hear about all the people lost in that tragic accident, and offer sincere condolences to all the families who lost a loved one on that day.
I was 5 and don't remember much, partially because I lived in France where it wasn't as big of news, but my mom (being American all her life) said it was huge for her and she picked my oldest sister up from school.
I was a 6 year old in the netherlands, I didn't notice anything until it was mentioned by my parents. I was kinda ignorant too I guess.
I guess I don't really remember much because it happened when I was younger. But looking back on footage and specials that they play on tv this time of year, you really feel the emotions of people simply by looking at their faces. Condolences to all the victims and their families.
I was actually going to school in Manhattan back then, though it was more uptown (east of the Met). I was in second grade at the time, and I believe it was the second day of school -- my class was in the library, and the librarian got some sort of phone call from the room phone. Although it was such a while ago, of course it's still all too vivid -- the look on her face was the palest expression I've ever seen. We soon found out everybody had to evacuate the city (or at least most of the borough), and though most little kids would've been ecstatic to go home early, the problem was most of the kids...couldn't exactly go home. The teachers tried not to panic, but all us kids thought we were all going to die for sure... Apparently my mom said you heard the actual jet pass over the school itself it was that low. My mom was a teacher at school, so my brother and I were practically the last kids to leave, but my dad eventually picked us all up, along with my dad's cousin and his wife who were living in Manhattan at the time. The one thing I remember the most about that day though, was driving over the Triboro Bridge -- you could see all the way downtown, and there was this massive smoking, flaming mess; it felt like being in some sort of horrifying action movie it was that surreal. It's not something you want your seven year old to see, not anyone... Obviously the traffic was an apocalyptic nightmare, but when we got home back in Queens, I remember all the adults were crowded around the old console TV we used to have, and CNN was playing. All I saw from that was the clip of I guess the first plane crashing into the North Tower -- the show just played the clip over and over again, and I don't think we had the volume on. That's really all I can remember, I guess I got worried or bored after and went to go play... Being so young, I mean I knew something was wrong, but I wasn't exactly capable of understanding what was going on (at least the politics of it), or that history had just been made -- the picture from that same news broadcast is in my American History textbook this year, on the last page of the last chapter...

One of my mom's cousins actually worked in the Twin Towers himself too, I forget which tower though. It must have been the South one, because he said he could literally see the wing of the plane pass right across his view from the window. Luckily he made it out (though I think he got some pretty bad injuries) -- he was working on one of the lower stories, but it was still one nightmare of a jump, I can only imagine...

If only I knew what was to come when I was seven... the first repercussion of the attacks I remember was the addition of God Bless America in baseball games. Every single time the seventh inning rolls along and they sing that song, on a subconscious level, it's still a tiny bit unsettling personally. Not to mention how different New York is now because of what happened -- I mean New York's always New York :D, but things are so much more restricted in relation to security now -- apparently I heard they even installed metal detectors in public schools at one point shortly after 9-11, and of course all the insane measures the MTA, airports, and the whole lot use nowadays -- plus American national security, which is a whole other story. And of course none of this is even mentioning the diplomatic ruination it caused -- almost a decade later and we're still barely getting out of one of these dang wars. Makes me wonder... what a day...
I was only 7, and I remember my principal came on the PA System and announced that the World Trade Centers were hit by two planes, as was the Pentagon. He said it was a terrorist attack, and that another plane had gone down in Pennsylvania. Since I was only 7, I didn't think much of it at the time, other than "oh no, a plane crash", but I remember my teacher was extremely sad, and I couldn't figure out why. Now, I can understand why, and how it was such a big thing that happened on 9/11. Sorry to all who lost family and friends on 9/11. It was a sad day.
SinnohTrainer17 said:
Oh my god. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, especially at such a young age.

Sorry for me? Thanks, but I feel sorry for those poor people in Afghanistan and Iraq -- thousands of people die on a regular basis, the same people who have been suffering the repercussions of 9-11 constantly for almost more years than I can count on my fingers :(. I feel sorry for those peasants and laborers who are the constant victims of violence but don't have the luxury of a developed country to perpetuate action and facilitate change. For these good people of the world, there are no lavish memorials, for these people there is no solace, no closure -- the most they ever get is a short news segment every once in a while, to which people in my country shake their heads in disappointment, then shrug and go back to eating their dinner. And the saddest thing of all is that history is repeating itself...
I remember that I was 4 (almost 5) and when I saw it on the TV I was like, 'Oh wow! That was so cool!' (Hey, I was little and I thought that explosions and building collapsing were pretty dang cool. Besides, I didn't even now people died. I thought my mom was just watching a movie or something) Then my mom yelled at me and I hid in my room for the rest of the day.