A Better Miraidon ex — Palkia Box from Gdansk Regionals


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Hello to all PokeBeach readers! This is Gabriel Semedo again with another Pokémon TCG article, and this time, I’m going to talk about Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR Box, particularly the list used by Luke Kirkham at the recent Gdańsk Regional Championships.

I confess that I was hoping that Paradox Rift would change the metagame enough to see new decks standing out and previously established decks losing space, but after the Latin America International Championships, we only saw a metagame very similar to the previous format’s. Gardevoir ex remains the strongest deck, but it is a bad deck to use in tournaments since it struggles to finish a best-of-three in the allotted time...

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Great article! Being a big fan of Palkia V-star, I needed to read this content :)
Do you think Alolan Vulpix V-star has space on the list? Since there are so many attackers with ability in the metagame
Great article! Being a big fan of Palkia V-star, I needed to read this content :)
Do you think Alolan Vulpix V-star has space on the list? Since there are so many attackers with ability in the metagame
for the zard mu probably but no one's done it yet
Great article! Being a big fan of Palkia V-star, I needed to read this content :)
Do you think Alolan Vulpix V-star has space on the list? Since there are so many attackers with ability in the metagame
Unlike all the other V attackers in the deck, Alolan Vulpix uses more than 2 energy to attack, so it is not very convenient to attack with it. Even vs Charizard, they have an infinite amount of Boss to get out of Vulpix as long as their Pidgeot is online, so Charizard remains a very difficult matchup.