Ruling A couple ?s

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Mechanix or The Four Horsemen?
These ?s are kind of noobish, but need to know the answer.

Can search out a fossil with master ball, celios,etc?

And does using Milotic d's poke-power or poke-body count as your supporter for the turn?
Compendium said:
Q. Can you use trainers like "Pokémon Fan Club" or attacks like Dunsparce's "Strike and Run" to search for a Fossil trainer?
A. No. Fossil Trainer cards are only considered Basic Pokémon while in play, or in the special situation of starting the game. You cannot search your deck for them as if they were Pokémon (Oct 16, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

Not really sure about the 2nd question...
With Milotic d, you're just using the effect of a Supporter, but not actually playing it. Ergo, the "you can only play 1 Supporter each turn" gives you another chance to play your own Supporter that turn as well.
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