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Alt. Format A deck to beat Buzzwole. (Gorebyss/Sceptile)

Big Fella

Aspiring Trainer
This deck might suck but this is the first deck idea I had from this new set. This deck is pre-rotation for the little bit of time we have XY sets with SM6.

4 Clamperl (has evolutionary advantage ability)
4 Gorebyss (has attack for 1 water energy that makes it immune to evolution pokemon and does 30 damage.)
4 Treecko
2 Groyvle
4 Sceptile (ability in which your pokemon with grass energy attached is immune to damage from ultra beasts)
1 Plusle (has attack which shuffles your hand into your deck and draws the number of cards equal to the number of bench pokemon in play. busted)
1 Tauros GX

4 Cynthia
4 Copy Cat
2 N
3 Guzma

4 Ultra Ball
4 Rare Candy
3 Crisis Potion (heal 120 from nay pokemon that has 30 or less damage remaining.)
2 Choice Band
2 Float Stone
1 Counter Catcher
3 Commandment Shrine (Stadium that puts one damage counter on every EX and GX in play between turns.)

4 Grass Energy
4 Unit Energy

The main concept of this deck is have a unit energy on Gorebyss, so you take advantage of its attack on Sceptile's ability. This deck is a work in progress. I am still working out an answer to non-ultra beast basic GX's, but this deck has a very good Zoroark and Buzzwole matchup (in theory). Would love help on this potentially powerful deck. Thnaks!