A Gatr Team

Is my team weather Proof?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 85.7%

  • Total voters


Goin Rogue Baby :DDD
This is my first RMT, for black and white. I want some advice, and some help making this weather proof, removing as least Pokemon as possible. It is preferable that if you want me to change a Pokemon, I would like at least a move set, or EV's and nature, so I get a better feel for your advice. Well here is the team.

The Team!


Heatran:mad: Air balloon.
Nature: Modest
EV's (SPa/252 SPe/252)
Ability: Flash Fire
Move Set:
Stealth Rock
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse
Heat wave

I have Heatran as my lead, because he has the ability to do a great deal of damage, with his wide move pool. Heat Wave is STAB, and just a move in case of some grass, bug, or steel leads. Earth Power is to hit bug types hard, and for an extra damage. Dragon Pulse is for the occasional Dragonite lead. Over all, Heatran is my quick glance at the opponents team, because they switch upon seeing Dragon Pulse. I've used him commonly to sweep (I know shocker right?) he does really good, when a dragon type comes out with some sort of water move, and people usually rage after I get that kill​


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Nature: Impish
EV's (252/HP 184/Def 72 Spe)
Ability: Poison Heal
Move set:
Swords Dance
Ice Fang

Use: Gliscor is my defensive attacker. He uses his high HP, and Def to his advantage, with Swords Dance. He has great Def, and then his Swords Dance allows his Atk to be high too. He is a casual sand counter, and he has a great immunity to the sandstorms. He is my overall best sweeper. He has Ice Fang for the counter of the common dragons. While having Earthquake for some attack bonus and for another attack to KO opponents.​


Latias: @Life Orb
Nature: Timid
EV's(hp/252 SPa/6 SPe/252)
Move Set:
Dragon Pulse

Use: Latias, is my secondary sweeper, dealing good damage towards several types, he can quickly gain the upper foot. His +252 SPe, helps him out speed other dragon types, while his Timid nature just boost that factor. He does the most damage for my team. His calm mind, is to help his SPa, which is at a 6. He can quickly do damage, or quickly get out, that is why he is the secondary sweeper.​


Reuniclus @ Flame Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Bold
EV's: (252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA)
Move set:
Focus Blast

Use: Reuniclis is my casual Pokemon. He sits around, and makes people mad, because of trick. He changes his worthless items for some items that are worth something. He does the damage to ghost types, while having Focus blast to assist against any unwanted foes. This is one Reuniclis that I really enjoy battling with.​


Jirachi @ Leftovers
Nature: Careful
EVs: (252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe)
Move Set:
Iron Head
Body Slam / Thunder Wave
Fire Punch / Protect / Stealth Rock

I was nagged for a while to get him on the team, so I did. He is just here to get rid of my 10x Ice weakness! I also use his Iron head after using thunder wave to paralyze, and then flinch my enemy. Making them almost worthless on my opponents team. He is really just a way to help my team out. If you know anything about how to use wish, would you please give me a hint, apparently that is what is good about Jirachi?


Ferrorthorn @Leftovers
Nature: Brave
EV's 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Ability: Iron Barbs
Move Set:
Power whip
Leech seed
Gyro ball

Ferrothorn is my Rain counter. I was recommended him by a friend, and not told much. I use him for Water resistance, and Some support to all of my guys. He attacks, with some power on his side. He attacks, wins, and everything in between. I have used him in several other teams, and hope that he is a good fit in this team.​

Please let me know what you think of my team.
RE: A casual offensive team


On Latias, I'd run 252 HP/252 Spe/6 SpDef, with a timid nature. The Max speed with a timid nature is important in outspeeding Landorus, Infernape, Salamence, Terrakion, and Virizion. With a Modest nature, and not-max EVs, these pokemon will just outspeed and Kill you. I'd also switch Draco Meteor to Dragon Pulse, and Reflect Type to Calm Mind. It will be easier to sweep when your main damage attack doesn't drop your Special Attack by 2 stages, and you can raise your Special Attack and Special Defense, while recovering up.

On Salamence, I'd swap out Flamethrower for Fire Blast. I'd also drop Outrage for Roost, to allow Salamence to live longer. I would swap Earthquake for Brick Break, so you can hit Blissey and Tyranitar harder, but that one is up to you. I'd chagne the EVs to 116 Att/216 SpAtt/176 Spe. This will allow Fire Blast to actually get cool OHKO's on pokemon like Ferrothorn.

Ferrothorn + Choice Band is just not a good idea. He doesn't have enough attack power to abuse it correctly. Choice Band is something you put on pokemon with INSANELY high attack, like Dragonite, Tyranitar, or Haxorus. Ferrothorn is only base 95-ish attack, so it won't hit hard enough. I'd use Ferrothorn to set up Spikes, to allow your pokemon to sweep easier.
Ferrothorn @Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
252 HP/48 Def/208 SpDef
~Leech Seed
~Power Whip
~Gyro Ball or Thunder Wave
Since Stealth Rock is already on Heatran, you won't need it here. The EVs give you great defenses in both Physical and Special Defense. Spikes is to add in extra damage, Power Whip is what you use to attack. Leech Seed is what I prefer, because it allows Ferrothorn to live longer, and you can switch out to a teammate who will take less damage on the switch-in because of Extra Leech Seed Recovery. Gyro Ball hits pokemon like Latias, Salamence, and Latios for very high amounts of damage. Thunder Wave can also be use to cripple their speed, it's up to you.

I think the team is solid agains 3/4 kinds of weather. Unfortunately, the 1 weather it's weak to is Sandstorm. I don't see anything in here that can switch into Excadrill or Landorus. Gyarados is the only thing who can hit them for any sort of damage, but he will get KO'd by a +1 Stone Edge from Landorus, and will take a lot of damage from +1 Excadrill. (Only +1 because of intimidate.) If he isn't KO'd, both of them still outspeed Gyarados and can KO it from there. I suggest replacing Gyarados with:
Trait: Levitate
252 HP/188 Def/68 SpAtt
~Hydro Pump
~Will o Wisp
~Pain Split

I think Rotom makes you much less weak against Sand teams. Pain Split will let you live longer than Gyarados ever could, especially since Gyarados is Stealth Rock weak. Will o Wisp cripples any physical attacker that might switch into rotom (like Ferrothorn.) Thunderbolt and Hydro Pump provide reasonable type coverage, while hitting quite hard at the same time.

Hope this helps, good luck with your team in the future!

Quick Note: you have 2 Salamence Sprites up on the top instead of 1 Scizor and 1 Salamence. Just thought you otta know. :p
RE: A casual offensive team

^Thanks for the help. I fixed some of the things that you mentioned, but I would like to see other peoples ideas before changing my team all the way.

And that is photobuckets fault, because it copied the wrong code.
RE: A casual offensive team

Hey man, good to see another newcomer to competitive battling. Your team seems solid but the movesets need some work. I'll just go down the list:

*Heatran - Looks pretty good, I don't have any qualms with it.
*Gyarados - Teapot's suggestion sounds good, a Will-o-wisp user will benefit your team immensely, along with some good prediction.
*Latias - Again, TPO3 pretty much got it. Using offensive Latias is pretty much a worse version of Latios, defensive is the way to go.
*Scizor - Switch the Attack and HP EV's, and you're perfect.
*Salamence - TPO3's set is great again, but if you want, Dragon Dance is a solid option. Dragon Claw, Fire Blast, Earthquake/Brick Break, and Fire Blast is the most common set.
*Ferrothorn - Choice Band? Ew. I actually tried a Swords Dance set once, and it did not work well. Defensive Ferro is pretty much the only option, so I suggest the set TPO3 posted, with Gyro Ball over Thunder Wave, since it can do a crap ton of damage to faster Pokes, specifically Dragons. Sassy is probably the best bet.

Well, as I said before, with better movesets, this team could be a good weather counter. I hope to see more stuff from you in the future. Good luck!
RE: A casual offensive team

^Thanks, this was actually really helpful.

Weather counter hm, I don't know, I have a terrible weakness to weather teams right now, I will work it.
RE: A casual offensive team

Hey Mr.Gatr. It's been really fun playing you over the past week and a few days. I'm thrilled to see you taking an interest in PB's VG community.

Right now, your team is very weak to rain, especially teams carrying Toxicroak, Tornadus, Thundurus or Dragonite due to them having the Fighting-type moves to exploit Ferrothorn's weakness, and then afterwards Surf, Thunder and Ice Beam can decimate the rest of your team. Adding a Gastrodon in place of Gyarados is a very simple solution. Gastrodon can also get a Storm Drain boost while coming on on a Surf, Scald or Hydro Pump aimed at Heatran, while Heatran takes those Giga Drains and Grass Knots aimed at Gastrodon. It solves your Thundurus problem, as right now, the team is very weak to it.

Finally, I think you could use a fail-safe against Sand Teams. Adding a Gliscor or a Bronzong will do wonders in stopping Excadrill or Landorus from sweeping your team. The choice is up to you; Gliscor has Poison Heal recovery and checks fighting types better, while Bronzong walls HP Ice Landorus and lays Stealth Rock. My recommendation is Gliscor, who could replace Salamence.

You've got an awesome start Mr.Gatr!
RE: A casual offensive team


I updated my team, so that it is just as you guys suggested.
RE: A casual offensive team

Acrobatics Gliscor is fun and cool. But Poison Heal is just too much of a buff to ignore. The Swords Dance + Taunt set is easily Gliscor's best set.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Impish Nature
EVs: 252 HP/172 Def/84 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Ice Fang

With Taunt, Gliscor can set up on Ferrothorn, Forretress and Scizor. Once its at +6 (which is really easy to do), Forretress and Ferrothorn are 2HKOed, and Scizor is OHKOed. Also, its a solid check to Conkeldurr, Terrakion and Excadrill. Poison Heal lets it take so much abuse that its crazy.
RE: A casual offensive team

It'll be updated, due to the new meta-gaming changes
@Heatran: If you find yourself frustrated on Fire Blast's misses, then you could always try out Flamethrower. And if you want a chance of burn, try out Lava Plume - It's a great move if you want burn but can't fit Whil-O-Wisp. If dragons give you trouble, try out Dragon Pulse or HP Ice. Overall, you have a good offensive set.

@Gliscor: Looks good. If you want a more bulky set, try EVs: 248 HP/172 Def/88 Spe and Substitute over Toxic.

@Latias: TPo3 got it.

@Chandelure, Ferro, and Mence: Look good to me. There aren't very many other options for them.
I don't know what to say to help you out since my Tornadus swept your entire team after Politoed had OHKOed Heatran. But I do think adding an Electric-type may be a worth while buffer. Zapdos or Rotom-W are two could ideas since they both can work in the Rain. Plus they are resistant to Tornadus' Hurricane attack and take a fraction of the damage. Ferrothorn is tough but I would suggest Bronzong instead since it can run Dual Screens to help reduce Special Base damage from Hurricane and other Special attacks,
I'm keeping Ferro, but am thinking of getting rid of Chandelure and replacing it for Rotom-W
If you really want something to check Virizion, you're better off dropping Chandelure for specially bulky Jirachi. Having Chandelure and Heatran on the same team is pretty redundant.

Washtom doesn't like take Focus Blasts from Tornadus, but Jirachi can easily.
I second SA's idea of replacing Chandelure with Specially Defensive Jirachi. In addition to taking special hits like a champ, Wish will help out your team immensely. Paralysis support from Body Slam will make sweeping much easier too.
AlphaNinja said:
I would run Thunder since you never know when your going to battle another Rain team.


On Heatran's description you say something about Stealth Rocks, but none are there. IMO take out Flame Charge for Rocks, or at least try it.

Also, with Gliscor, replace Toxic for Taunt. Trust me, it works a lot better, especially on Pokemon that are more of the stally type.

Other than that the team looks good.
I agree here but you also need a way to check Tornadus and Politoed. Electric-types are your best bet and I think running a pokemon with ThunderPunch or Thunderbolt may solve this problem. I also think Magnezone can cure this problem up too since it has great Sp. Atk.
I think SA has it covered...
If the amazing Bippa seconds the idea, I think I'll take that one.
Thanks for the suggestions though

SA said:
If you really want something to check Virizion, you're better off dropping Chandelure for specially bulky Jirachi. Having Chandelure and Heatran on the same team is pretty redundant.

What is the set?