A General Purpose B/W Team


Team Plasma Grunt
Recently I replayed Black & Black 2 again, and by the end of both games, I ended up with this team, which I really enjoyed playing with, but this team has many flaws with it (for example a 4x weakness to fighting), so it definitely has room for improvement. It's also mainly offensive, with horrible base defense stats.


Hydreigon Levitate w/ Draco Plate (m)
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Rush
Draco Meteor

Arcanine Intimidate w/ Flame Plate (m)
Flame Burst
Fire Fang
Flame Wheel
Extreme Speed

Zoroark Illusion w/ Black Glasses (m)
Night Slash
Foul Play
Night Daze

Lucario Inner Focus (m)
Aura Sphere
Close Combat
Force Palm
Swords Dance

Mawile Hyper Cutter w/ Leftovers (f)
Iron Head
Ice Beam
Sucker Punch
Rock Slide

Emolga Static (f)
Volt Switch

First of all I decided to uses Hydreigon as a pure Dragon type for the purpose of this team. I gave him surf, to balance the lack of Water types on my team, plus surf is a decent move when it comes to double/triple battles. Draco Meteor is a essential move (well so I think) when it comes to Dragon-types, so he needed it. His move set avoids status moves, and is purely damaging moves only.

Next I wanted a reasonably alright fire type (which wasn't a starter or legendary). I settled on Arcanine. His stats are decent and he provides decent coverage. Once again I used him offensively, giving him three fire type moves and one normal type move. ExtremeSpeed, when used correctly, can be lethal, and was a perfect move to balance out Arcanine's moveset.

Now Zoroark was the reason I gave Hydreigon an entire Dragon type movepool for the purpose of this team. I'd used Zourua in Black beforehand, but I never used it to it's full potential or evolved it. I gave him Night Daze, as it is his signature move and reasonably good. I also really enjoy using Punishment, so I gave him that too.

Lucario was my favourite Sinnoh pokemon. I gave him a fighting-based moveset, because I wanted to use Mawile, plus there was already a major fighting weakness in this team, and I wanted a little bit of balance. Aura Sphere is a reliable move with amazing accuracy, and being Lucario's signature move, I added it. I also gave him Swords Dance to raise his attack and to even out his moveset.

Next is Mawile, who I added when I realised Lucario's movepool was Fighting-Based. I gave her Ice Beam to make up for the lack of diversity this team has. She also got Rock Side, once again, to make up for the diversity. Sucker Punch and Iron Head were added to finish off her moves.

Last on the team we have Emolga, who I added when I realised a resistance to a few types was needed. Emolga's typing of electric/flying, evened out the team nicely. I gave her Volt Switch, a move I had trouble with when versing Elesa, which was quite effective in most situations. I also gave her Acrobatics, so she used some of her flying potential. I rounded off her moveset with two more electric moves.

I want to maybe use a team similar to this in some battles, what could I do to improve? I know Mawile and Emolga aren't that great and the movesets are horrible.​
Um, you do know what VGC is, right? It's a Doubles format used in most official tournaments. This seems to be an in-game team and might do better in the thread for rating in-game teams... I'll still help you hone the team if I get the time, but this team is definitely nowhere near what you have it listed as.