I was thinking of playing Wobbs and DWN, but even if we discount the Stand In Zoroark, a 3-2 line is much more consistent than a 2-2 line. Kind of like how people play a 4-3/1 Eeveelution line, as shown by Xander Pero's World Championships top 4 Espeon/Garbodor deck.
Hi, I personally don't really think the 3-1-2 Zoroark line is needed and instead I would just play a 2-2 and 1x Volc EX and a DW Necrozma for the switch effect.
Stand In Zoroark isn't just there for the switch. Perhaps I should have made it a little clearer, but it is there for it's attack as well. Note that it gives us a 1 Prize attacker, and a support Pokemon that won't get shut off by the likes of Glaceon GX.
Personally, I feel like Wobbuffet should be included with Hoho as it disrupts your opponent quite well which allows you time to setup if necessary. As already stated DawnWings is also something I'd include. Maybe even the Marshadow from Shining Legends but haven't used that to know if its disruption is worth it yet.
I would include Wobbuffet, but it shuts down our draw engine and returns this deck back to its slower, less consistent state. We don't need any time to set up as we can T1 Kiawe our Ho-Oh and start smashing up (and stalling against) Buzzwoles with it.
In terms of setup, Zoroark isn't a priority. Early game is not where this deck lacks, so we want to prepare ourselves for the late game whenever we have time. Unlike ZoroVoir variants, we don't focus on Zoroark and then start setting up Gardevoir, we keep our opponent busy with Ho-Oh while we set up our Zoroarks afterwards.
That's what the deck is based off of though, tat would be completely changing the idea or strategy of his deck.
@AFEX, I did say that this deck was based around giving Ho-Oh more consistency and that is the way I am going to keep it. If I wanted to play Ho-Oh like players such as Stephane Ivanoff have done, I would do so. Note that this is not a regular Ho-Oh deck. Yes, Ho-Oh is the centre of it, but it does not operate in the way most Ho-Oh decks do. I explain all this (or at least I think I do, I might have to double check) in the Competitive Play Forum which I have ever so kindly linked at the top of the thread, so you do not have to go searching for it.
I will be altering the decklist soon, as the version that is currently posted is of poor quality and I wish to improve on it, so you may want to check back tomorrow.