Pokemon A little idea of how the pokemon world works (Well not little)


Selling colourful Pokemon to Celadon Game Corner
If the pokemon world was legit and obviously mankind would be doomed if Pokemon were real but here is some of the explanations I came up with, when I was bored one time so here it is -

Child hood -

If a child owns a pokemon or a pokemon egg then you would have to constanty look after him/her witout them knowing that you are looking, just to know that they are treating it/them correctly. Although when it evolves/ cracks open then the pokemon would kinda defend itself after he/she has treated it in the house, if it is anything like an animal, then it would protect it's owner and ask for things that wouldn't bother the owner in the first place. And if it is a pokemon that has been evolved then it knows how to go around the house and has been around the neighboorhood a couple of times and got to know things, people and even make freind with other pokemon. So at this point if a pokemon has been treated in care of your own home then this would be the ideal time to release it in my opinion. Another fact is if a pokemon makes a runner of course the owner would be terribly upset that it left him/ her and that would give the owner an idea that he/she has been treating the pokemon wrongly, and would give an idea if he/she would have got any other pokemon ever again then they would have an better idea of how to treat it.

Of course this is the primal time for young trainer to start going for the gold and getting the badges, if they were to leave there home at the age of 12 - 17 then parents if they think it's right would let them go off on there own or have a freind to look after them for a couple of months.
The teens would be all over there region trying to be champion and making i so that they are the best. Of course they would maybe travel with freinds if they have to. If the towns were like citys or states then it would be ideal for flying pokemon to fly trainers to different citys. It would work kinda like cars but with flying licences. If you were to own one then you ould be able to fly at all times, where if you do not have one then you can only have a limited time you can fly and you can only fly at certain altitudes. This method can also be used for the safari park zone, if you are a member then you can go in there at any time.

For the Adults they can be a mentor for trainers, breeders or even gym leaders. If they were being mentors for trainers then they would have to at least beat 5 gym leaders. These Adults have the ability to be a Gym leaders and Elite 4.

Gym laders, Elite 4 and Champions
If people were Gym leaders then they would have to go up there levels in tens, first one being 10 - 19 then 20 - 29 ect ect.
The elite 4 would have to be 81- 90 and the champion whatever level they decide, but they have to be more powerfull than the elite four.
Again if they lose to you, then this means you have a ton of cash maybe and if someone has to challenge you then you have to drop whatever you are doing and go and fight them.

Legendary Pokemon
Legendary pokemon will be virtually impossible to catch and maybe possibly Illegal? This would stop all form of stealing and treating powerfull pokemon without respect. Also it WOULD be impossible to catch legendary pokemon without either specially modified poke balls or Ultra balls.
Also, if the world would be underthreat, maybe the legendaries were there to be a gaurdian of earth. Which begs the question of religion

Now I won't tamper with this to much but maybe in certain religions there might be a believe that people worship different poke-gods or different legenendary pokemon that do something to earth at a certain date.

Any person is a trainer if they have fought at least once with there pokemon, this means it is pretty easy to qualify as a trainer but hard to fight people that have more, powerful pokemon than you. This could eman that you have ranks, maybe it could be on your pokedex or something
They have to have different badges to get through area's so they can't get destroyed by any more powerfull trainers.

Breeders can maybe be a proffesional job and maybe there could also be contests for ametuer ones, breeding can show different form of art of people's feelings and how they show respect for pokemon.

Contests can be shown in any city, a big hall in all of them and it could be shown monthly with a lot more contestants than 4 - 30. If it's proffesional then maybe have it annually or if it's for begginers then weekly.

Dugtrio - They probably couldn't create earthquakes from going underground like that.
Koffing,Weezing,Grimer,Muk - They probably wouldn't stink that bad or pollute the enviroment that much.

Possibly children could learn about there pokemon as they grow up with it. When there around 10 - 15 they could take the chance of learning what people in the reality world learn also. It probably could continue on until the age of 20. It's like either Knowledge or Training I guess.

Thanks for reading
Please if you have idea's please post them
* = Edited in
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

A neat analysis... I can't think of anything else to say.

Really, I don't have anything to add, either. xD Everything looks fine. Thankfully, the world of Pokémon includes all jobs (or 90% of them) from this world, so I'd be able to draw and make a living from it. xP
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

What about school? Would children go to the trainer's school?
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

In the religion you are right,but it won't be called like that.It can be called the cities believence, or something like that.
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

Thanks Xous and yeah I did think about school and maybe children could learn about there pokemon as they grow up with it. When there around 10 - 15 they could take the chance of learning what people in the reality world learn also. It probably could continue on until the age of 20. It's like either Knowledge or Training I guess.
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

You have given this alot of thought
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

Thanks I kinda was trying to do more on it but I couldn't think of it. And considering I am only 12 I don't really know about the job market all that much
RE: A little idea of how the pokemon world works( Well not little)

Not much to say, other than adults shouldn't be forced to stop training. XD
Very very nice, although in the game you're eleven and you beat the Elite 4 :p
Yeah but in the game it's kinda ...well it is unrealistic, but yeah the Pokemon will be a lot harder to train. Like trying to teach a dog to talk or something, this will make the Elite 4 the strongest apart from the champion of course.

Maybe there could also be what there is in the anime and have it so one of the regions has a contest on how the best trainer is in the world, not counting champions or Elite 4.

I also have edited in a school part.
I think that all the kids are sent to educational school till they are 9.. Because they have to know SOME basic knowledge other than pokemon.
I guess that would make sense due to that you can only qualify as a trainer until your ten, which completely Underminds the games however
And how can a 10 year old go without shelter for how ever long?
This means that what I have said that they may travel with freind or they might have a mentor/ parent/Older brother/ect/ect.
Dark Marc said:
Also Pokemon Rangers could be like, The Police sorta...

Pokemon Rangers might be more like the Secret Service or the FBI.
I forgot about Rangers.
Yeah, maybe they could be like the Police, maybe team up with some trainers or something
^But nisn't the police like officer Jenny and stuff, or they could be like Nature Protectors that don't let Legendary Pokemon to be caughty like you stated above?
I suppose, but how would they stop them and how would they stop frauds from catching legendary pokemon themselfs?, I mean they can't hit trainers with there stylus...