A newcomers perspective on the game


Aspiring Trainer
I recently took a break from the Naruto CCG and am excited for the upcoming 09-10 season of Pokemon. I'm a newcomer to the game so I've been trying to integrate myself into this game as fast as possible. However there is one issue I'd like to discuss with you, the veteran players.

And that is the supporter and trainer cards. I'm not fond of the way these cards are designed because they're made so that any and all decks can run them. Roseannes Research and Bebe's Search are practically staples in all deck. I'd like the game to go into a direction where trainers/supporters have costs or restrictions so that it creates more skill.

The SP specific trainers/supporters are definitely the right way to go. SP radar forces you to search for an SP pokemon so you have to tailor your deck to maximize the effectiveness of that trainer. And I know there are other SP pokemon specific trainers. That's what I'd like to see. More trainers/supporters that are specific to certain decks. Like make a supporter that requires you to have 3 psychic pokemon on the field and do something good, rather than having generic easy searchers like roseannes and bebes. I don't know if this issue has been brought up or maybe you guys think it's dumb but go easy on me, I'm still learning.
There's really no point in having specific supporters that are made jsut for one type. It's silly and there's no way it would be balanced without it all being the same. Eventually a certain type of deck will start to become more used because its trainers/supporters will just be superior to the rest.

Where can we see proof of that? Hmm?
I agree with medaforcer,you see SP's are played largely due to the advantage they get from t/s/st.You get reduced attack costs,full healing with poketurn and power spraying opponent's.Well,if every type got an equal advantage,then it would be fine,but that's not bound to happen,and just think,what will happen to eeveelutions?
It'd be silly balancing out all those trainers/supporters when a universal trainer/supporter can just work for all the types.
Wouldn't the requirement for 3 Psychic Pokémon in play undermine the usefulness of cards like Bebe's and Roseanne's? And I guess most search and draw cards would become rather obsolete, as most are used for the set-up anyway.
Medaforcer said:
There's really no point in having specific supporters that are made jsut for one type. It's silly and there's no way it would be balanced without it all being the same. Eventually a certain type of deck will start to become more used because its trainers/supporters will just be superior to the rest.

Where can we see proof of that? Hmm?

here, here...I can most definitely agree with that...having trainers specific certain types (like SP) are actually about as cheap as you can get...it doesn't really even the playing field at all, and makes the game unbalanced
i'm wondering if there going to repeat Sp's though when heartgold soul silver get there tcg release then where gonna have to deal with galactics and rockets (again)
Medaforcer said:
There's really no point in having specific supporters that are made jsut for one type. It's silly and there's no way it would be balanced without it all being the same. Eventually a certain type of deck will start to become more used because its trainers/supporters will just be superior to the rest.

Where can we see proof of that? Hmm?

I firmly believing adding restrictions or cost on trainers would increase the amount of skill required for the game. Look at Magic. Enchantment and Spells cost specific mana making it so that no enchantment and spells are universal. Look at how Yugioh started out. There were cards like Rageki, Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Harpies Feather Duster, Mirror Force etc.... Every deck ran it but it hugely decreased the skill factor of the game.

One game I understand very well is Naruto and it goes by the element system similar to Magic. The Trainers in Naruto (or missions as they are called) have hand cost inorder to restrict missions to that respective element. This was not detrimental to the game but instead added more depth to the game.

It seems like many players in this thread seem to be so used to how their current game is so they can't break free of the mold. You say this system would cause specific decks to dominate because of superior trainers. That's an oversimplistic way of looking at things. A person could also the game is based on which deck has superior Pokemon. But wouldn't the addition of such cards add depth and uniqueness to certain decks? Where is the depth and uniqueness when every stage 2 deck runs the same cards like roseannes research, bebe's search, rare candy, luxury ball, etc... I fully understand that they add consistency. But consistency does not equal depth, and consistency can be created under my system as well as it has been proven to have done so in other games.
Unlike other games, Pokemon does not have such clearly defined "archetypes" as other games. As such, it would be hard to design a card for an archetype to play it. Sure, sometimes they try. There's the Rotom supporter Charon's, but Rotoms are a very poor decktype otherwise.
I actually agree with you that the SP-only trainers were a nice touch, but now that the new sets consist of nothing more than SP Pokes, it sort of ruins the purpose.
However type-specific trainers would be hard, yet interesting. Some types have some clear purpose (Fire discards and Burns, Grass uses Special Conditions and healing) and it would be cool if they had their own little special cards that helped them with that. However in Pokemon, you have 5 bench spaces. Some of which you can fill with support Pokes for your decktype. So they don't really need Trainers/Supporters to do that. Let alone that most Types/colours don't really do something in general. A Drapion X deck is extremely different from a Tyranitar deck, yet they're the same type. So the game lacks the design to support type-specific trainers/supporters.
The thing is, Yugioh keeps failing at giving the proper stuff support they need. Odds are that one type will always end up with better support then other types. That is why new ideas (Delta, Darks, SP's) get specific support and regular stuff does not.