Ruling A Noobish Question About Nidoqueen δ

The only to do more damage with Midoqueen d is with Feraligatr d, Gyrados d, Strength Charm and lastly, Solid Rage.
yeah, can't do any more unless the def Pokémon has weakness to metal or you have some special trainers. Even I don't know if the trainers could overrule what it says on the card.
Without Any trainer cards or other attack effecters: Yes, the maxium damage with Nidoqueen d is 90.

the Real Maximum is: 160 DX-on and 200 Unlimited.

Queen: 30
Discard Bonus: 60
Gatr/Gyarados d Bonus: 50
Solid Rage: 20
(Pluspower: 40)
Total: 160 (/200)