A practical repeat of last week's Battle Road! 4th place again with Sablelock!

I start off the day by waking up at 9:00 after falling asleep early because I had a partial cold, which sucked because I kept sniffling and coughing the entire day :(. I eat pancakes for breakfast and read for a while, then my mom and I leave for the BR at 10:30. We get there halfway through registration (11:15), and I hang out with my friends until the event finally starts.

I am playing the same deck as before, Sablelock, the link to the list is in my signature.

Round 1
Me -> Sablelock vs. infernape1010 -> Muk/Giratina/Mismagius

This was a very interesting round against a very creative deck. Unfortunately for him, I flip a double heads and got rid of his Uxie and a Collector (I think),
so that he couldn't do anything next turn. I got Chatot G and benched it, giving him bad top decks. Sometime in the middle of the game I attacked with Chatot G, then ended up drawing into it next turn to continue the lock. He wasn't able to draw into much, and I sprayed his Uxie which caused him a lot of trouble. I kept sniping his Pokemon for game. GG


Round 2
Me -> Sablelock vs. Clay M -> VileGar

This was a LONG round. We both got set up, and I tried to Luring Flame his Vileplume, but he top decks a Warp Energy, which totally screws me up. In the middle of the game he accidentally draws 2 cards for his turn draw, and I call a Judge up, which takes 10-20 minutes to get settled because the judge had to do something else.... and we only got a 10 minute time extension too, which resulted in the game ending because of time. He has a 1 prize lead when time is called, and I have only 1 turn to get one prize, which I can't so it's game. GG


Round 3
Me -> Sablelock vs. Jason C -> Luxchomp

This game I ended up playing the same guy with the same deck in the same round as the last Battle Road. The game was quite one-sided, as he got a bad starting hand and I got the lock going without even using one Initiative. At the
very end of the game he made a huge misplay by benching a Crobat G when all he had in play was a Dialga G (which I couldn't of KOed) and I had a Garchopmp C LV.X ready to Dragon Rush. I Dragon Rush the Crobat G for game.


I am excited because I know I will be getting 2-4 packs, as there is only 1 person with 3-0 and 3 people with 2-1 and top 4 get packs. I made only a few trades this time, but ended up one card away from completing Undaunted. I ended up coming 4th, sadly, but I got 2 packs and pulled a Vileplume and a Vespiquen, the exact same as last week. The most hilarious coincidence was that this BR and last week's BR were almost exactly the same!

Some examples are:
-Going 2-1
-Winning my 1st and 3rd games and losing my 2nd
-Getting 4th
-Getting 2 packs
-Pulling the exact same rares each time, Vespiquen in one pack and Vileplume in the other
-Playing the same person with the same deck in the same round and winning both times

^Those are all very funny coincidences, aren't they?

-Hanging out with my awesome friends
-Getting 2 packs
-Pulling Vileplume
-All the really funny coincidences that happened at both BR's
-Blaziken FB really helping Sablelock

-Losing to Vilegar
-Losing a game because of time, yet the actual game didn't take very long....
-Not playing anyone I know from my regular league

Another great BR experience, and I can't wait for the final one in 2 weeks time!
Chatot G can really mess things up! Your Crobat along with the Dragon Rush does great with a snipe. Too bad about the Judge taking too long! Great you won some packs and your rating is up!