Ruling A Proxy deck in League?


I am Neos. Who are you?
So I couldn't get the money together to build a deck I liked, so I printed the card scans out , put a pokemon card in a sleeve and put the paper on top of the card. Can I bring a proxy deck to a league?
Generally yes. But you may only use it in casual play (i.e. outside of tournaments, challenges, competitions, etc.).

If anyone has a problem with it besides the individuals operating the league, simply don't play with them. Since you can't use any proxies in serious play anyways, you really should only be playing for fun.
Definitely tell your opponent before you start playing.
Since tournaments were mentioned... Tournament rules:

Only genuine Pokémon TCG cards may be used in Pokémon Organized Play events. Any fake,
reproduced, or counterfeited cards must be removed from all players’ decks before the start of
the tournament. Those that are not may be subject to confiscation by the Tournament

15.7.  Proxies

Player‐made proxies are considered to be fake cards and should be treated as such in all ways.
Players should ensure that the cards in their decks are in good condition before attending a
tournament so as not to create a marked‐card situation.  

and in general:

The use of counterfeit cards is strictly prohibited when participating in a Pokémon League. Counterfeit cards are never allowed at Play! Pokémon events. If you find a player using counterfeit cards during a league session, that player is not to receive credit for the games he or she plays while using those cards.

Personally, If 1. you are upfront about it 2. aren't trying to pass off a proxy as a genuine card (aka you are counterfeiting) 3. it is only playing for fun and 4. your opponent approves before the start of the game, I am OK with playing with them. Your league leader has the final say, though!