Ruling a question or two


Peach is staring into your soul
Is Weakness or Resitence is applyied first?
If a card states that you should put four damage counters on a pokemon, is that affected by dark or metal energys, or resitence or weakness or any other effects?
thanx for the help.
Compendium said:
Q. If Kecleon has several types of energy attached and the Defending Pokémon is both Weakness and Resistance to these types, does Kecleon have to apply both W & R or not?

A. Apply them in order. Weakness, then Resistance. (Sep 11, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

Compendium said:
Q. I've noticed that some cards say "Does 10 damage to the Defending Pokémon", whereas others say "Put 1 damage counter on the defending Pokémon". Is there any reason for the different wording? I've spoken to someone who says that you do not apply weakness or resistance for attacks where it specifies Damage Counters; is this the case?

A. There is a difference. As you mention, weakness and resistance are not applied when placing counters. Also, things like Defender and Metal Energy will not block Placing Damage Counters. It will not trigger things like Base Set Machamp's Strike Back. In the steps of resolving an Attack, "placing Damage Counters" counts as an Effect of the attack, it is not part of "doing damage". (Sep 18, 2003 PUI Rules Team)
Claydol from hp says:
wide laser
this attack does 10 damage to all of your opponents pokemon (don't apply weakness or resitence).
Would weakness and Resitence apply for the deffending pokemon (my active) and do other effects apply for my active or my benched?