Ruling A question

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Aspiring Member
What is DAX lock actually??? They say that it is crazy, but I dunno what it is, can anyone tell me pls????
no idea

Bacon edit: If you haven't got anything intelligent to say, don't say it at all.
I know but I'm forced not to tell. It will be revealed once SW comes out, and until then u shall not know

Draek... I wonder why you called me a baby.. I think I know why cuz we merge with rogue and leave you out. Is that's the best way to get back in? I don't think so. But that was a lame comment. I'm older than you and you called me a baby. That's so immature, you need to grow up.

tc, if you want to know Dax-Lock, join Team Legion.
Ok... this thread is starting to turn into a flame war. Draekfist, if you have something to say that is inflammatory, please refrain from saying it.

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