A Question...


The Rising Star
We all know about Claydol and how great it is... but since I can't afford it (and can't find it either), I have a question:

What card(s) [barring trainers and supporters, of course] would one use for drawpower with no access to Claydol?
uxie/LV.X+SSU can work.... or you could play porygon2 with lots of bebes/roseannes and others.
Uxie and it's Level X form is good draw power. If you don't need Uxie anymore and it's taking up bench space, use SSU, but since that's flippy, I'd suggest attacking with it and returning it to your deck.

You could use Bronzong SF, but that's only to get energies, but if you're deck is reliant on constantly having energies in your hand, then this is the way to go.

Idk, I like using Prof. Rowans most of the time. Especially if your starting hand really just sucks. Sure you can get a few less cards, but whatever you get is better than what you already had most of the time.
Chatot I hear is a good starter..
Also Furret and gardy can work too. (not really draw , but speeds up the deck)
Nothing really has the same efficiency as Claydol. It's one of those things you have to bite the bullet on and do a little extra work around the house to earn enough for it.
If you don't mind taking a risk with flipping, Speed Stadium from DP is quite good, but your opponent can use its effect aswell.
vilebaseball said:
Nothing really has the same efficiency as Claydol. It's one of those things you have to bite the bullet on and do a little extra work around the house to earn enough for it.

LOL, I don't get paid for doing work aroung the house! :p

PikachuMatrix said:
If you don't mind taking a risk with flipping, Speed Stadium from DP is quite good, but your opponent can use its effect aswell.

...That second part is th only reason I don't use it...

Also, I'm done with this, I already chose something...