Ruling a simple ?


Mechanix or The Four Horsemen?
If I have a poke thats attack costs 2 electric & 1 colorless and says
discard all electric attached to this poke and I use 2 electric & 1 muti
energy to pay for the attack,would I have to discard the muti energy
along with the electric or can I keep the muti on the poke? Thanks!!!!
yes you would because multi energy provides all energy at the same time but only 1 at a time, meaning you can't choose what type of energy multi is beause it is all types at the same time.
Unfortunatly you would have to discard Multi Energy.

Multi Energy clearly states that if there is no other special energy attatched to the pokemon it is attatched to, it counts as all energy, and, must be discarded when you use that attack.

Now if you had an electric energy + rainbow energy + multi energy on that pokemon, it would be a totally different story ;)