4 Mew Prime
1-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X
0-0-2 Cradily LA
2 Absol Prime
1 Shaymin UL
1 Azelf LA
2 Uxie
4 Sableye
18 Pokemon
2 Energy Exchanger
3 Bebe’s Search
1 Energy Gain
3 Collectors
4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
3 Pokemon Rescue
2 Junk Arm
2 Seekers
2 Communications
2 Snowpoint Temple
2 Expert Belt
26 Trainers
4 Rainbow Energy
3 Special Dark
3 Psychic Energy
5 Grass Energy
1 Fire Energy
16 Energy
Strategy: Either start with Sableye, Mew or even Absol Prime. Impersonate collectors to get Mew, use Mew to see off Cradily (or Absol Prime to discard Cradily). Then start using Cradily's first attack, Drain Down dragging up high retreat cost pokemon and doing 60 for possibly heal.
Blaziken is there for Dialga G and Vileplume. I felt maxing out Cyrus's was necessary because I would need the right energy to See Off or Drain Down. If I run Cyrus's I can afford to run energy gain as well, so in theory I could Cyrus for Bebe's, Fire Energy and Energy Gain and almost completely set up a Blaziken in a turn.
Might replace Cradily with Beautifly PT but I'm not sure.
1-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X
0-0-2 Cradily LA
2 Absol Prime
1 Shaymin UL
1 Azelf LA
2 Uxie
4 Sableye
18 Pokemon
2 Energy Exchanger
3 Bebe’s Search
1 Energy Gain
3 Collectors
4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
3 Pokemon Rescue
2 Junk Arm
2 Seekers
2 Communications
2 Snowpoint Temple
2 Expert Belt
26 Trainers
4 Rainbow Energy
3 Special Dark
3 Psychic Energy
5 Grass Energy
1 Fire Energy
16 Energy
Strategy: Either start with Sableye, Mew or even Absol Prime. Impersonate collectors to get Mew, use Mew to see off Cradily (or Absol Prime to discard Cradily). Then start using Cradily's first attack, Drain Down dragging up high retreat cost pokemon and doing 60 for possibly heal.
Blaziken is there for Dialga G and Vileplume. I felt maxing out Cyrus's was necessary because I would need the right energy to See Off or Drain Down. If I run Cyrus's I can afford to run energy gain as well, so in theory I could Cyrus for Bebe's, Fire Energy and Energy Gain and almost completely set up a Blaziken in a turn.
Might replace Cradily with Beautifly PT but I'm not sure.