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Master of Weather
Let me know what you think.

Absol G x2
Absol G Lv. X
Garchomp C x2
Garchomp C Lv. X x2
Porygon-Z G x2
Weavile G x2
Uxie x2
Uxie Lv. X
Chatot G x4

Cyrus's Conspiracy x4
Poke-Turn x4
SP Radar x3
Energy Gain x4
Aaron's Collection x2
Department Store Girl x2
Professor Oak
Lost World x2
Energy Exchanger
Pokemon Collector x2
Super Scoop Up x2

Call Energy
Warp Energy
Rescue Energy
Special Dark Energy x4
Dark Energy x6

The basic way to win is to use Chatot G to look at their deck, get Absol G/Lv. X out to make them discard the top 3 cards to the Lost World, hopefully you get Pokemon. Get Lost World out. Or deck them. Or use Doom News to knock them out each turn.
-3 Chatot G
-2 Porygon-Z G
-1 Rescue Energy
-1 Warp Energy
-4 Darkness Energy (Basic)
-1 Call Energy

+1 Crobat G
+1 Bronzong G
+1 Unown Q (MD)
+3 Power Spray
+4 Double Colorless Energy
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Professor Oak's New Theory/Visit (which one are you running?)

You have a good start, but this should fix a few things up. First up, you only need one Chatot G, not four. While I understand you want to abuse Absol's power to the fullest, but remember you are risking flips. If you fail some flips, it could give your opponent an advantage. Plus, you'll never have enough Bench space to run four Chatot G. Porygon-Z simply just isn't necessary. With Double Colorless Energy, you could help replace a lost Energy Gain. For the Energy, four Double Colorless Energy is for speeding up Garchomp's Dragon Rush, you have no need to run 10 Darkness Energy when only two Pokemon need one Darkness Energy.

Crobat G helps place damage, Unown Q helps with free-retreating your pixies, Bronzong helps move Energy around, Power Spray disrupts your opponent, and Collector/Professor Oak's (New Theory/Visit) helps with consistency.
Yeah I am thinking I am running too many Chatot G's I might take two out. The Porygon-G is in there to get the Poke-Turns and Energy Gains from my discard back into my deck, basically I play him, use a Poke-turn to return him to hand then play him again, so I get two cards back. The Call Energy I like because I can place it onto the Absol G, use it to get a Chatot-G play him, play the Absol G X then use Doom News and the Call Energy goes back to my hand. I actually don't own a Unown Q, and the only guy I really would need it for is the Absol, he comes back to hand to replay it. Again I'm not really looking to out damage my opponent, more or less abusing Doom News to knock the guy out.

I suggest you take a look at his Power closer.

He only gets back TOOL cards. Just playing him to get back Gains is not worth the space IMO. (In addition to that, Department Store Girl also becomes slightly useless when you can always search out Gain with Cyrus...there's probably better stuff you could fit in instead.) Plus, burning a Turn on him just makes the play sillier. Crobat and Garchomp need those Turns a lot more lol.

dmaster out.