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Abomasect (Abomasnow / Genesect EX / Virizion EX / Roserade)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 11
  • 3 Virizion Ex
  • 2-2 Roserade (DRX)
  • 3 Genesect Ex
  • 2-2 Abomasnow (PLB)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
  • 4 Juniper
  • 3 Shauna
  • 2 N
  • 2 Shadow Triad
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Skyarrow Bridge
  • 1 G Booster
  • 3 Energy Switch
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Pal Pad
  • 1 Town Map
Energy: 14
  • 4 Plasma
  • 9 Grass

Basic Strategy is to use this deck like most standard VirGen decks. Charge up Virizion Ex. Then charge Genesect with Emerald Slash. Attach G Booster and OHKO stuff.

Abomasnow is there to combat fire types. A water type that uses grass energy to attack. (G)(G) and a muscle band OHKO Pyroar. (G)(G)(C) hits for 160 with weakness and with silver bangle can OHKO MCharizard Ex if that ever becomes important. Otherwise Bang Heads does 80 + confusion and with muscle band 2HKO most pokemon, and only gives 1 Prize.

Roserade DRX was added for a huge consistency boost. Le Parfum: When you evolve this pokemon from your hand you may search you deck for any card and put it into your hand. Basically it acts as computer search that only requires 2 cards instead of 3. Though it needs to be set up.
RE: Abomasect

I would definitely use Red Signal over Lysandre -- Lysandre is a supporter whereas Red Signal is an ability. But even so, I might run one Lysandre just so you can play it to grab their Garbodor up and KO it before it does more harm to you. However, the only problem would be getting the card once they do get a Garbodor up.

Have you considered, perhaps, Super Potion instead of Mr. Mime or other people like that? I've seen Potion played to great extent, and Super Potion would be no different. Unfortunately this format is more about one-shots than anything else, so it's more up to you than anything else.

As for the Pokemon considerations, I wouldn't run Mime. There just aren't that many sniping Pokemon that are played that much. I do like Siggly-Wiggly, however, but over him is Tropius, who is actually really good against high-energy Yveltal. I've also seen Return used to good effect. In this deck, that would be my weapon of choice, but that's just me.
RE: Abomasect (Abomasnow / Genesect EX / Virizion EX)

The problem with red signal is that it takes an energy drop, which could be a problem. But using a supporter slot could also be an issue. It all depends on the situation. Which is probably why catcher was just so good.

As for Tropius. I always use it in my grass decks. My main deck is Beedrill, and return is a huge help when you start with it. With energy switch it makes it less of a problem to drop an energy there first, since with an energy switch and an attachment. Virizion can still attack 2nd turn. The fact that its not weak to fire is also huge for a grass deck.

Either way, maybe 2 Tropius and a Lysander might be okay for this deck.
RE: Abomasect (Abomasnow / Genesect EX / Virizion EX)

I've been playing this deck on TCGO and it does pretty well. Beat a couple of dark decks, fairy decks w/ MKangaskhan, and even a rayboar deck. It doesn't really do too well against Plasma though.

Mega's do provide some interesting hurdles to face when you hit for 200 max. Especially the ones with 230 hp. Just 10 hp shy of a G booster and megalo cannon spread damage.

I cant decide if 1 colress machine is worth playing and what to take out if i do want it.
RE: Abomasect (Abomasnow / Genesect EX / Virizion EX)

I edited this deck recently to include Roserade DRX. Making this deck drastically more consistent. However, adding it in i had to cut 4 cards.

I'm not sure if i like Pal Pad in this deck. I play it a ton, just because it always appears in my hand. But im not sure if its really needed. Granted it helps boost consistency mid to late game, after i murder a few of my supporters. But i cant help but feel like this card could be something else. Like an additional sky arrow bridge/switch/tool scrapper. I'm also wondering if i should change a Shauna to a Colress. This deck does tend to get bench heavy with the roserade. It also gives me another target with shadow triad if i need a supporter next turn. But at the same time i really dont want to start with Colress.

I added a town map at the cost of a grass energy. I have yet to really run out of energy so i think 1 can be taken out. Town map just helps soo much with this deck. Getting that G booster or a piece of a roserade line is pretty great. It also allows me to worry less about having a supporter each turn, at least when there is one in my prizes.