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Abomaturne (Sniping)

Does my rogue have potential?

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Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you.
This is a rogue deck I've been working on, and I finally managed to get around posting it here. I may get around to playing it in a tournament, but for now, I'll post it here.

3-3 Cacturne (PT-PT)
3-3 Abomasnow (SF-SF)
2-1-2 Metagross (LA84-LA65-SV)
2 Uxie (LA)
2 Solrock (TR)
2 Lunatone (SV)
1 Azelf (LA)

4 Poke` Drawer +
4 Poke` Blower +
3 Bebe's Search
3 Broken Time-Space
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball

4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Water Energy
2 Warp Energy


The Strategy- Start with Abomasnow and spread. Then, once he's Knocked Out, (or the damage is done) send up Cacturne to clean up. Metagross is my super secret tech, when I play him I usually net two prizes. Solrock is to stop healing, and Lunatone prevents damage from Lv.X's, which keeps Garchomp C Lv.X from sniping. Seeing as Solrock needs a Lunatone in play, this works nicely.

The Suggestions- Spiritomb LA also sounds good, but then I'd want some Super Scoop Up's, because my bench is limited.

I see you posting in the Poll but not commenting. Please, tell me what to do!!!
No, this works very well, seeing as both Abomasnow and Cacturne only need a DCE and are only Stage 1. I tried a BlastGatr once, but it didn't work.

I made changes to the list, taking out a Dragonite FB and Azelf for Solrock from Triumphant and Lunatone SV.

Anything else??? C'mon, people!!!
I'd say take out a palmer's and water energy for an energy gain and dragonite fb.

If you can, find something to take out for a couple cyrus conspiracy as well.
They search out your water in case you have an energy drought, and they help bad starts by searching out collector.
This deck is tight on space, and bench space. SP doesn't give me a problem, because I've got Solrock Lunatone combo. Cyrus's sounds like a good idea, but I don't know what to take out. Any suggestions?
- 2-1-2 metagross (double edge sword)
+ 2 jirachi ul (good later game for any non sp and can utilize dce)
+ 2 pychic (power jirachi)
+ 1 azelf (only have 1 lunatone 1 solrock)
Metagross may be a double edged sword, but he's my super secret tech. I usually like to play him in one turn, Beldum, Rare Candy, Metagross. I usually only do this when it will net me a few prizes. I can see your reasoning for Jirachi, but I don't think it's the best choice. And, Azelf takes up too much space on my bench. I started out with it in my deck (a while ago), but took it out because I didn't need it. As for Solrock/Lunatone, I may want to beef up to a 2/2 line, for reasons suggested.
Use some blastoise from ul. Abamasnow does not do that much damage. Run floatzel/feraligator prime so you can do 100 damage while sniping every turn.
No blastoise, keep in Metagross. It's not THAT much of a double-edged sword if you only play it when it would help you... I would add an Azelf; they can help a lot in any deck... eg if you're playing Magnegatr and you find out 2 of your 3 Feraligatr are prized... the turn after your other one gets KO'd. First-hand experience there :p. But yeah, take out 1 Pokéturn and add in an Azelf. It'll help a lot.
Also, you seem to not have any Cyrus' Conspiracy in here. That might help. A lot.
Heh, the only problem I can see with Azelf is that if both Gross' are prized, and you use Azelf to get one, then Gross isn't a secret anymore.

Blastoise isn't a very good idea at all, so don't bother with that. I REALLY don't think Crobat G is good enough to warrant setting aside 6 slots for him/TGI, especially if your deck is as tight as you say it is. I'd add Poke-Blower. It can drag out manz you want to kill, or if you flip heads there's your flash bite. TGI is a very dead draw if you have no Crobat in sight.

Cyclone energy is sort of useless(unless you have a specific reason for it). I'd replace them with 2 Rescue Energy that way Obama/Cacturne are easier to get back.
Well I wouldn't say 'Gross is really secret, per se, but people aren't typically preparing for it even if they see a Metang out. Even if BOTH Metagross get prized (which is relatively unlikely), there's not much your opponent can do to stop it. :p
Based on your suggestions, I'm going to:

-2 Crobat G
-4 TGI Poke Turn
-2 Cyclone Energy
-1 Water Energy

+4 Poke Blower +
+1 Solrock TR
+1 Lunatone SV
+1 Azelf
+2 Cyrus's Conspiracy

List Updated!!!