About Pyroar


Aspiring Trainer
I have been lurking around informing myself about the recent game because I want to get back into it, and I am wondering how good Pyroar is. I saw it have a great price decline on amazon so yeah.
Pyroar was pretty great because it's immune to attacks from basic mons, which include almost every EX mon. Some attacks ignore effects on the defending pokemon, so they can pierce through Intimidating Mane, but otherwise he was pretty solid. In later sets, spirit links started happening and they kept making more and better Mega pokemon and giving them a lot more support, so Pyroar isn't as effective anymore. It can still be used well, but it's not a complete game-changer. That's my most basic understanding of the situation.
Not as good as it once was. Sure the attack is not bad and the ability is pretty good, but pokemon realized this and made decks that just wreck pyroar right now. Any mega can attack pyroar, and with spirit links making them more playable and can all OHKO pyroar, he's lost most playability in this format.