Ruling About The age groups


Cynthia is <3
Age Group Changes
During the 2006-07 season, you will stay in the same age group, no matter how much older you get. In previous years, if you turned 15 in the middle of a season, you were required to move up to the 15+ group. Not anymore! As of September, 2006, if you were:

* Born in 1996 through 2006 (10-), then you are in the Junior Division.
* Born in 1992 through 1995 (11-14), then you are in the Senior Division.
* Born in 1900 through 1991, (15+), then you are in the Masters Division.

so till next year im on the 11-14 even though im 15 next year?? and therll be no age groups just Junior, Senior and Masters Divisions?

i really dont get it! pls explain ^_^
No. It means that if you are 14 when the season starts in September, but you turn 15 years old sometime during the season, you don't move up like you did in previous years. The brackets still have age limits, they just have names now.
im turning 15 during next year's December, what category i have to get in? (next year's national ) 11-14? or 15+?
You would still be in the Junior division. It doesn't look at your age anymore, it does it in a way so that if you have a birthday during the season, it doesn't affect which age group you are in. What they will probably do is increase the age groupings by 1 year next summer, so that you would then advance to the next age group during the summer.
DocRobot_K-176 said:
You would still be in the Junior division. It doesn't look at your age anymore, it does it in a way so that if you have a birthday during the season, it doesn't affect which age group you are in. What they will probably do is increase the age groupings by 1 year next summer, so that you would then advance to the next age group during the summer.

LOL im in junior's division?? im not borned in 1996 - 2006~!!!