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Dratini Powa !
DeckList :

17 Pokémon :

4 Absol Prime
3/2/3 Ampharos PL
2 Uxie
2 Houndoom G (versus Dialga G lv.X)

31 Trainers :

4 Bebe's Search
4 Pokémon Collector
2 Palmer's Contribution
1 Cynthia's Feelings
3 Miasma Valley
3 Galactic HQ
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Pokémon Reversal
3 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball

12 Energies :

4 Darkness Energy (Special)
4 Call Energy (Special)
4 Lightning Energy (Basic)

Strategy : Block your opponent's powers with Ampharos, and attack with Absol or Ampharos... Absol OHKO Gengar SF, and Gengar can't use Fainting spell with Ampharos (but I'm not sure :/ ), and LuxChomp can't use Bright Look, Healing Breath, Leap Away, Galactic Switch... The only two pokémon who can Block this deck are Dialga G lv.X and Nidoqueen RR, so I play 4 Pokémon Reversal to kill them :D... I will test It on RedShark, and now I think, It looks pretty good, but I haven't Test It^^