Absol G Lvl X


Hurl into darkness
Right, so I got the Palkia / Dialga box this weekend, and pullet Absol G Lvl X from one of the boosters inside :D

What are decent decks that can be made from this card ? How viable / competitive is it ? Is it worth decking?

It looks like a good card, but I really have no idea lol =/ never used a single dark pokemon before ever

Please remember to include card scans when looking for combos/ideas. Thanks! ~Gliscor

Absol G Lv.X
The mill effect really isn't a great feature in most decks, and dark isn't a common weakness. I'd consider it trade fodder.
@Kittymew: Dark is a very common weakness, with two very popular decks being weak to it. Vilegar and LostGar are probably both Tier One and this card greatly improves your odds against each of them.
I teched a 2-2 absol g x line in my lostgar to murder mirror, it's Really fun. It's also good/fun in Sp Decks, I teched 2-2 in my diagachomp list to also deal with gengar matchups. One final possible option is in a ttar/dark deck..hope I helped...Also in lostgar it can help send pokemon to the lost zone as well as attack for 60 (since lostgar barely deals damage)
I guess it is one of the few good dark type attackers in this format. Still, wouldn't Mightyena LA with its Harass attack (since you're going to be benching fast against lostgar anyway) be an equally good option that also deals with SP? Heck, Umbreon's "bad" second attack becomes an option here as well (and again, he has lots of general utility).

Absol Prime's attack smokes a gengar in exchange for zoning one of your pokes, but comes out faster. Worth it or not, that's hard to decide.

Personally, if I were teching for lostgar in SP, I would be teching Mightyena, as it helps the SP matchup immensely as well.
It's allright, I traded it away to a friend lastnight who was making a dark deck :D
I am trying to build a Dialga Chomp, and only had a 1 - 1 Line of Dialga / lvl X so I got a couple of Dialga's for it :)

Thanks anyway! I think he is trying to combo it with flygon to make a mill type deck hahaha will see how it goes!
After looking at more dark pokemon because of this thread I really want to build an umbreon deck.
Well you could make a deck with absol g and umbreon ud. You can play 2-2 absol g lv.X, 2-2 umbreon ud, and then chose the other attackers (1 more is recommended) depending on how you want to play.