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Absol G Prototype Deck


"Insert Funny Subtitle Here"
I saw the latest post on PokeBeach, and I noticed the Lost World Stadium,
and came up with the idea for this deck. This is just a rough, and is NOT definite.
Oh, and this is a casual deck.

2-2 Absol G
Ditto TM x2
Smeargle UD x2
Unown Q x3
Uxie LA x2
Azelf LA x1
Sablye SF x2
Honchcrow G x2
Pokemon: 17

Lost World x2
Snowpoint Temple x2
Sp Radar x4
Pokemon Collector x3
Energy Gain x3
Pokemon Rescue x4
Poke Turn x4
Power Spray x3
Aaron's Collection x2
Twins x1
T/S/S: 28

{D} Energy x10
Special {D} Energy x4
Rescue Energy x3
Energy: 12

This is a very simple deck, just keep setting up Absol G Lv. X, While using ditto to tech,
and use Smeargle to tech just in case I don't start out with any Absol.
Buddy, level x's count as the form below it in deckbuilding. So the max line you can have is 2-2 (the best line to use). You don't need 4 lost worlds, 2 is normal, 3 is the most (and sometimes that is overload). Pokemon Rescue is pointless in this deck, along with having 4 unown q's, 2 dittos (why??), 2 moomoo milks, and 4 Smeargles (2-3 with sableye is so much better). Also, since SP is going to be played, why would you wanna boost there HP with snowpoint along with yours, making that card not the best. You're only playing 2 x's, and with other search (which sould be here!!!) 2 premier balls is the most you'll need. Recovery cards such as aaron's would be a ton better than rescue is this deck too. The Seekers is OK, though i'd rather play something else, and you're using SP, so poketurn over scoop up. Lemme give you a list that is going to be a lot better than this (no offense) and a little explination on why I'm using certain cards.

2-2 absol g x (main attacker, you know this)
2-2 garchomp c x (sniping, healing, backup, can donk in some situations)
2-1 uxie x (draw/machamp counter)
2 Smeargle/Sableye (starter-you can choose which one)
1-1 BDK (Honchkrow SV: the gyarados/machamp counter. a legitimate beast)
1 unown q (free retreat for smeargle or sableye)
1 azelf (for searching in the prizes)
1 chatot g (i see that you're goal is to get pokemon in the lost zone, so put pokemon on top for the flips)
2 crobat g (extra damage)
1 honchkrow g (sniping and can search out SP trainers/lost zone)
Total: 21

4 cyrus (your search engine basically)
4 poketurns (i don't know why you weren't using these before, so much better than SSU)
3 gains (self explanitory really)
3 sprays (again, self explaintory)
3 SP radar's (searches out your SP's. any of them, even x's. Better than premeir ball in every way)
2 aaron's (recovery, better than rescue in every way)
3 pokemon collectors (self explanitory, and you really only need 3)
2 bebe's (more search, can be dropped)
1 lost world (tech really, you can win both ways, and you'll knock out pokemon more than LZ them)
1 twins (recovery card really)
Total: 26

3 call
3 sp. dark
4 regular dark
Total: 13

This list should run much more efficiently than your old one. Your LostGar matchup will be practically an autowin, your VileGar being an easy match too. As of LuxChomp, you may wanna fit in a 1-1 umbreon to help, though if you take out there garchomps before you lose yours, than it'll be close. SableLock actually looks a lot like this, but they run draggy FB, so again, make sure your chomp doesn't die. Gyarados and Machamp will be extremely hard matchups, even with BDK and Uxie X. This is a matchup if you can win lost zone, do it.
Wow, I R 707411Y 5M4R7. That was my fault on the Absol, since I don't tend to run Level X Cards that much. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this deck is casual, not competitive. I have no need for a competitive deck, because there are no leagues in my area. And thanks for the suggestions. Again, this deck was just a list that came from the top of my head.
I understand that you are playing in an uncompetitive area, though you asked to improve the list and I gave you an improvement.
I agree with most of what ashinto said, except I run this deck with a 1-1 Sharpedo RR line and 2 BTS instead of Honchkrow G and Crobat G. It holds the "if-you-knock-me-out-your-going-to-get-destroyed-next-turn" kind of edge. I use a rescue energy on him for re-use.
I looked at Sharpedo RR and in this format I think that it is lacking. Most-all attackers have free retreat to get rid of the condition that you are enforcing on them. Along with Poketurn, warp point, and switch switch (still used people), you just did 20 damage for nothing. Just my two cents on that one.
I looked into that. I probably should have said this before, but I versed Kingdra earlier today and the tech worked pretty well and I scored a OHKO with 160 damage using it (He was belted with 150 hp). I ended up winning 0-4. I was just putting it out as a possible tech.

I ran a different deck to prevent warp points/SSU/Switch. It involved Honchkrow & Sharpedo with Vileplume and Dodrio UD techs. All in all it was a tad bit slow to set up, but KILLED once it was.

EDIT: I'll post it in the Deck Garage so you can see it more fully.