Ruling absol VS. dusknoir

red blastoise

PM me, I love to chat.
Example, I attack with Absol's balefull wind, and I discard Dusknoir.
does Dusknoir goes back to your opponents hand?
As it says when it is discarded, it never says discarded when it is a stadium card.

Hope you guys can help me.
red blastoise said:
Example, I attack with Absol's balefull wind, and I discard Dusknoir.
does Dusknoir goes back to your opponents hand?

Certainly not.

red blastoise said:
As it says when it is discarded, it never says discarded when it is a stadium card.

It's implied. The text is talking about the card as a Stadium the entire time.
so that means if its discarded in stadium form it goes in the hand but if it is discarded from the hand then it goes in the discard
I wonder ...dunksnoir lv.x says "put 1 damange counter on each of your oponents pòkemon betwen turns"...right? so oponent gets to put damange counters as well ¿?
No, just you. Stadiums are still owned by the person that played them. "Your opponent" means the opponent of the card's owner.

If it was intended to work for both players, it would have text to that effect, like "both you and your opponent".