Mostly planed as a anti mewgar/lostgar deck since absol 1 hit gengar and dialga can block stadiums. But i want to make it so that it has decent matchups vs most decks.
Pokemon: 19
2-2 absol g
2-1 dialga g
1-1 umbreon UD
1 roserade gl
1 chatot g
1 crobat g
1 bronzong g
1 lucario gl
2-1 uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 unown q
T/S/S: 28
1 luxury ball
1 expert belt
1 junk arm
2 energy exchanger
1 bebe's search
2 aaron's collection
2 pokemon collector
1 professor oak's new theory
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 sp radar
4 poke turn
4 energy gain
2 power spray
Energy: 13
1 psychic energy
1 metal energy
2 dark energy
3 special metal energy
4 special dark energy
1 warp energy
1 sp energy
The strategy? Ehem.. I'm not sure...
I can semi tank with dialga and disrupt and attack with absol g. Umbreon is a wall vs donphan mostly but it works vs much. Roserade gl helps me vs donphan too and other pokemon that i can lock in the active slot.
If you have some advice to the deck then comment suggestions that will alter or make a new/altered strategy to the deck are also welcome, but i will keep absol and dialga.
Pokemon: 19
2-2 absol g
2-1 dialga g
1-1 umbreon UD
1 roserade gl
1 chatot g
1 crobat g
1 bronzong g
1 lucario gl
2-1 uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 unown q
T/S/S: 28
1 luxury ball
1 expert belt
1 junk arm
2 energy exchanger
1 bebe's search
2 aaron's collection
2 pokemon collector
1 professor oak's new theory
4 cyrus's conspiracy
3 sp radar
4 poke turn
4 energy gain
2 power spray
Energy: 13
1 psychic energy
1 metal energy
2 dark energy
3 special metal energy
4 special dark energy
1 warp energy
1 sp energy
The strategy? Ehem.. I'm not sure...
I can semi tank with dialga and disrupt and attack with absol g. Umbreon is a wall vs donphan mostly but it works vs much. Roserade gl helps me vs donphan too and other pokemon that i can lock in the active slot.
If you have some advice to the deck then comment suggestions that will alter or make a new/altered strategy to the deck are also welcome, but i will keep absol and dialga.