Discussion Ace Trainer (Bandit Ring - 76)


Pokemon Geologist

Card Translation -
Ace Trainer – Trainer

You can only play this card if you have more Prize cards left than your opponent.

Both players shuffle their hands into their deck. Then, you draw 6 cards and your opponent draws 3 cards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).

Several communities seem to be pretty divided on the overall usefulness of this new supporter from Bandit Ring. What are your overall opinions on this card, will it be a 4-of deck staple or a niche card to only be used in heavy stage 2 or Milotic decks?

I'm more on the side of this card being fairly niche but can be seen as a one-off that can be recycled with VS Seeker in most decks since Shauna and Professor Birch's Observations will be more overall useful as draw supporters once N and Colress rotate out.
Its an interesting card. I just dont think it will be a 4 of stapple. If you could draw 5 and your oppenent draw 4 but be able to play the card at any time I could see it being played. The problem with the card as it is, is there are not many decks that are comfortable being behind in prizes. the only deck i can think of is lucario/ the coffin pokemon (dont remember the name). I can see it being a one of in most decks like teamates is.
I think a one of or two of staple. This card is interesting, before N. It seems like a replacement for N, if not the same value. The reason not 4 is that you have to have more prizes, which is why people don't play a lot of Teammates.