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Aegislash EX / Bronzong / Victini EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 16
3x Aegislash EX(Phantom Forces)
3x Bronzor(Phantom Forces)
3x Bronzong(Phantom Forces)
2x Victini EX(Plasma Storm)
2x Mewtwo EX(Legendary Treasures)
1x Mr. Mime(Plasma Freeze)
1x Buizel(Flashfire)
1x Floatzel(Flashfire)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 30
4x N
2x Colress
2x Skyla
1x Xerosic
4x Juniper
1x Trevor
2x Sacred Ash
3x Ultra Ball
3x Max Potion
1x Computer Search
3x Virbank City Gym
4x Hypnotoxic Laser

Energy 14
8x Metal Energy
4x Fire Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy

This deck is based loosely on the elektrik decks. I am using Bronzong and Victini EX as energy acceleration. Victini EX can quickly get more energy, and when it goes into the discard pile use Bronzong. It's all going to Aegislash EX as it does more damage for each metal energy. I also have Mewtwo EX just in case, as well as Mr. Mime to prevent damage to the bench. I also have Floatzel, just to get pokemon back from the discard pile. However, I don't know if this is a viable thing to add. Most of the trainers are standard and energy is also standard.

I just want to know what you think of this deck, it's the first build of this deck.
-1 Buizel (Not worth it)
-1 Floatzel (Not worth it)
-1 Trevor (Not worth your turn supporter)
-1 Sacred Ash (Only need 1, if at all, with Trump Card)
-3 Virbank City Gym (I don't think Laserbank is best in this deck)
-4 Hypnotoxic Laser (see above)
-2 Victini-EX (way too frail for energy retrieving)
-4 Fire Energy (Not necessary)

+3 VS Seeker (Great card)
+1 Lysandre's Trump Card (To prevent decking out)
+3 Steel Shelter (I think it is better)
+4 Muscle Band (Great card)
+3 Float Stone (Free retreat with Keldeo-EX)
+2 Keldeo-EX (Free retreat with Float Stone)
+1 Metal Energy/Professor's Letter (Consistency/To grab energy)