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Aegislash / Keldeo EX / Klinklang


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Klink
    1 Klang
    3 Klinklang
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Keldeo EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    3 Honedge
    1 Aegislash(Sword)
    2 Aegislash(Shield)

  • 1 Pal pad
    2 Evosoda
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Level Ball
    3 Rare Candy
    1 Heavy Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Professor's Letter
    1 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    3 Skyla
    3 N
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Professor Juniper
    1 Rock Guard(Only Ace Spec I have ATM)
    3 Float Stone

  • 6 Metal Energy
    4 DCE

Strategy:The idea is to get out Aegislash Shield form, Klinklang, and Keldeo EX with float stone as fast as possible. Aegislash shield uses king's shield, then next turn Keldeo EX rushes in, and retreats, refreashing the king's shield attack. Klinklang negates EX damage done to Aegislash. If Sword form can get a KO, and not get KOed afterwards, switch into it. The problem I am having is it is too clunky and slow, I really want to keep the same general strategy, and it works well if I can get the pokemon out fast enough.
RE: Aegislash / Keldeo

I've been playing this deck a lot since XY was released. Don't have the full decklist available right now, but my current lineup looks something like this. Some of the numbers might be off, was a little while since I last played it, now.

2 Honedge
2 Aegislash
2 Keldeo EX
1 Darkrai EX
1 Sableye
1 Mr. Mime
1 Eevee
1 Espeon with Solar Revelation
2 Feebas
2 Milotic

I found the deck being way too weak against tool scrappers, so I added a Darkrai and a couple darkness energys as the main method of retreating Keldeo. Might as well add a Sableye now that we can junk hunt. Has saved my lots of times, actually. Mr. Mime keeps bench from being hurt, and Espeon helps in some situations (Especially attacks causing status conditions). Could switch Espeon for Virizion, but would need some grass/rainbow energys. I recently added Milotic for energy acceleration, has been working great most of the time.

I'm not running any sword Aegislashes, cause I'm focusing on complete protection. I also left out Klinklang, since we're already guarded against everything he would negate.
RE: Aegislash / Keldeo

simsands said:
I've been playing this deck a lot since XY was released. Don't have the full decklist available right now, but my current lineup looks something like this. Some of the numbers might be off, was a little while since I last played it, now.

2 Honedge
2 Aegislash
2 Keldeo EX
1 Darkrai EX
1 Sableye
1 Mr. Mime
1 Eevee
1 Espeon with Solar Revelation
2 Feebas
2 Milotic

I found the deck being way too weak against tool scrappers, so I added a Darkrai and a couple darkness energys as the main method of retreating Keldeo. Might as well add a Sableye now that we can junk hunt. Has saved my lots of times, actually. Mr. Mime keeps bench from being hurt, and Espeon helps in some situations (Especially attacks causing status conditions). Could switch Espeon for Virizion, but would need some grass/rainbow energys. I recently added Milotic for energy acceleration, has been working great most of the time.

I'm not running any sword Aegislashes, cause I'm focusing on complete protection. I also left out Klinklang, since we're already guarded against everything he would negate.

I tried this on PTCGO over the past few days, and it has done awesome! Thanks
for the tool scrapper/megaphone problem, i think a couple fairy gardens/energies would do the trick much better than a Darkrai that's Lysandre bait