This was a deck I made from scratch for my league and I have grown fond of it. Thought I would post it on here to see what you guys think.
Pokemon 28
The strategy depends on who you get join your starting hand and power them up, then to hit for high damage. Then powering up others while your active dies.
This was a modification to the original one, it had a 4-4-4 line of Slaking (DE), no EXes and only 4 Pokemon Communication and Cheren.
Pokemon 28
- 4-4-4 Aggron (DE)
- 4-4-4 Klinklang (PS)
- 2 Cobalion ex (PS)
- 2 Registeel ex (DE)
- 4 Cheren
- 4 Pokemon Communication
- 4 Cilan
- 3 Exp. Share
- 1 Rock guard
- 10 Steel
- 2 Double Colorless
- 4 Blend Energy
The strategy depends on who you get join your starting hand and power them up, then to hit for high damage. Then powering up others while your active dies.
This was a modification to the original one, it had a 4-4-4 line of Slaking (DE), no EXes and only 4 Pokemon Communication and Cheren.