Aipom from Triumphant (#55) [2/10]


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Guiding questions:
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
5. How's the artwork?
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

Posts MUST be more than one sentence long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted.

Another option being implemented is Video Card Reviews. Please read: for more information.

Also read about the new changes to this Forum in the way cards are being posted and the way you review here: Please use the questions posted in this thread and not the other set.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
HP of 60, average for a basic, x2 weakness not the best, {C} retreat
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
good (for a basic) first attack, second= bad
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
medicham to get your opponent's hand full, and then draw with Aipom
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
Houndoom, he does 80 for {D} if you apponent has a {F} pokemon in play
5. How's the artwork?
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
.5/5. Most basics are better

1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
Hp is OK for a basic. x2 Fighting Weakness hurts it in the current maetagame, with Donphan and Machamp Prime out.
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
Imitate is like a free copycat every turn, but Tail Punch really is weak.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Any discard/refill deck.
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
Weakness Guard and any other cards could help.
5. How's the artwork?
3/5 I like the soft look.
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
1/5 Not worth putting in ANY deck unless you absolutely need Imitate.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost)
Aipom has 60 HP which is a card asking to donked. A weakness to {F} is not so bad considering you can donked by Donphan or Machamp. A retreat cost of {C} is decent.
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card
The first attack is the main part of this card which is similar to CopyCat but the second attack is useless only doing 10 damage.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Not many but one I can think of is using Donkphan or LuxChomp Variants and and playing all cards down then use Aipom's power, the playing a lot of rainers down and using Uxie for more draw. 4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
You could use a 3-4 line of Expert Belt, Defenders and possibly and 1-1 Luxray line to pull op weaker Pokemon to remain untouched.
5. How's the artwork?
4/5 I love the new HG/SS style of water colours
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
3/5 this card is inconsistent and requires a heavy tech line to support it. I would rather use CopyCat instead.

This is my first time posting something xD
1: 60 HP is pretty much standard for a stage 1 basic. No resistance is standard, fighting weakness doesn't matter since pretty much every fighting deck in the format OHKO's anyway. 1 retreat is okay, but also one of the reasons this card is outclassed by Chatot MD

2: Imitate is a nice attack, but Chatot MD does the same thing for no energy, and has free retreat. Second attack is meh, 10 for one energy nothing special, and rarely worth using if you have other options

3: This card is not really suitable for any kind of combo. You could build an Uxiedonk-ish deck around it, but even then, the Aipom would be more for trolling than for actual damage output. When MD rotates out, it could be used as a replacement for Chatot, but Unown Q is also out of the format at that time, so the retreat would be a problem.

4: If you want to cover the main weaknesses of the card, make sure the game doesn't last longer than turns; Aipom has a Pokemon weakness. But seriously, the only way to play this would be as the attacker in a trollish uxiedonk variant, because it would fail otherwise. Just run it like Uxie Donk, but if you're sure have the donk, attack with Aipom instead of uxie to destroy your opponent's ego.

5: 3/5 - The art is nothing spectacular, but definitely not bad

6: 0/5, 2/5 in an Ambipom deck - This card is completely outclassed by Chatot MD, and, in general, sucks. The only deck in which this would actually work is a rogue hand disruption with Ambipom TM, because you need aipoms for that, and this one makes a nice starter if you need an Aipom anyway.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
An amazing card. I have it in ALL of my decks! NOT!
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
It doesn't have any?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
It does well with about any card.
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
5. How's the artwork?
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).


Was this supposed to be a joke? I took it as one... :p