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Who is a better EX Rayquaza or Raikou?

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Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
Hey Pokebeach this is my first thread on here and i need help with my Raikou deck so any help would be gladly appreciated. :p
Pokemon (17)
4- Raikou EX (3 FA 1 regular)
4- Smeagle
4- Tynamo all 40 hp
4- Eelektrik
1- Mewtwo EX (my fighting counter)
T/S/S (31)
4- Professor Juniper
2- N
4- Duel Ball
2- Pokemon Catcher
2- Eviolite
2- Max Potion
3- Skyarrow Bridge
2- Level Ball
2- Random Receiver
4- Junk Arm
Last but not least Energy
7- Lightning
3- Rescue
2- DCE
im not the greatest deck builder so if anyone would help that would be awesome :')
There are many problems with this deck. 4 raikou is just way too much and 4 smeargle is just unnecessary. Try
-3 smeargle (1 is enough)
-2 raikou (ust straight raikou may not be a good idea. Regular zekrom may help a lot with attacking)
-0-1 eelektrik (4-3 eelektrik is good)
-3 rescue (not needed. More electric energies are needed)
-1 skyarrow bridge (2 is enough)
+1 catcher (3 is needed IMO)
+1 tornadus EX (essential against fighting types)
+2 zekrom (good attacker)
+1 super rod (may help a lot for recycling)
+2 electric energy (9 is needed. 7 is too few)
+1 DCE (3 is needed)

And maybe
-2 max potion (might not be needed)
+2 terrakion (helps a lot against mirror because there are so many eelektrik decks)
+2 fighting energy (or prism for terrakion)

Though this may now look like zekeels, it will help a lot. Just straight raikou will not be that great IMO so zekrom would be great because it's not an EX and is a basic and uses eelektrik extremely well. This is probably better. I'd also try to work in about 2 switch.
-1 Eelektrik
-3 Smeargle
-1 Raikou EX
-3 Rescue Energy
-1 Dual Ball

+1 Mewtwo EX (to win Mewtwo wars)
+2 Sage's Training
+1 Super Rod
+2 DCE
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+2 Ultra Ball
+1 Electric Energy
Jirachi said:
There are many problems with this deck. 4 raikou is just way too much and 4 smeargle is just unnecessary. Try
-3 smeargle (1 is enough)
-2 raikou (ust straight raikou may not be a good idea. Regular zekrom may help a lot with attacking)
-0-1 eelektrik (4-3 eelektrik is good)
-3 rescue (not needed. More electric energies are needed)
-1 skyarrow bridge (2 is enough)
+1 catcher (3 is needed IMO)
+1 tornadus EX (essential against fighting types)
+2 zekrom (good attacker)
+1 super rod (may help a lot for recycling)
+2 electric energy (9 is needed. 7 is too few)
+1 DCE (3 is needed)

And maybe
-2 max potion (might not be needed)
+2 terrakion (helps a lot against mirror because there are so many eelektrik decks)
+2 fighting energy (or prism for terrakion)

Though this may now look like zekeels, it will help a lot. Just straight raikou will not be that great IMO so zekrom would be great because it's not an EX and is a basic and uses eelektrik extremely well. This is probably better. I'd also try to work in about 2 switch.
Thanks Jirachi you helped me a lot and btw Jirachi is one of my favorite Pokemon LOL :p

Blui129 said:
-1 Eelektrik
-3 Smeargle
-1 Raikou EX
-3 Rescue Energy
-1 Dual Ball

+1 Mewtwo EX (to win Mewtwo wars)
+2 Sage's Training
+1 Super Rod
+2 DCE
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+2 Ultra Ball
+1 Electric Energy
Thanks i might have to trade away some Raikous for Tornadus EX
I think you need Switch to charge up another Raikou attack or get an eel out of active. Drop 1 raikou EX, totally not needed. I think 1-2 Zekrom would also help. Definitally add another Mewtwo, or you will lose all Mewtwo wars. Dealing out 100 damage isn't enough to KO everything, so you probably need more attackers.
Jirachi said:
There are many problems with this deck. 4 raikou is just way too much and 4 smeargle is just unnecessary. Try
-3 smeargle (1 is enough)
-2 raikou (ust straight raikou may not be a good idea. Regular zekrom may help a lot with attacking)
-0-1 eelektrik (4-3 eelektrik is good)
-3 rescue (not needed. More electric energies are needed)
-1 skyarrow bridge (2 is enough)
+1 catcher (3 is needed IMO)
+1 tornadus EX (essential against fighting types)
+2 zekrom (good attacker)
+1 super rod (may help a lot for recycling)
+2 electric energy (9 is needed. 7 is too few)
+1 DCE (3 is needed)

And maybe
-2 max potion (might not be needed)
+2 terrakion (helps a lot against mirror because there are so many eelektrik decks)
+2 fighting energy (or prism for terrakion)

Though this may now look like zekeels, it will help a lot. Just straight raikou will not be that great IMO so zekrom would be great because it's not an EX and is a basic and uses eelektrik extremely well. This is probably better. I'd also try to work in about 2 switch.
Hey Jirachi I dont have Tornadus EX do u think i should just run a regular tornadus
If you can get it, Tornadus EX is the much better option. I don't know what to take out (since you haven't updated you list) but adding a Thundurus is really good for the start. It's up to you whether you want to add Terrakion, but Max Potion is SO helpful for Raikou. If they put you in range of KO, you just get rid of all the damage for no punishment.

Yeah, so if you could update you original list with any changes you've made.
NicoSpot said:
If you can get it, Tornadus EX is the much better option. I don't know what to take out (since you haven't updated you list) but adding a Thundurus is really good for the start. It's up to you whether you want to add Terrakion, but Max Potion is SO helpful for Raikou. If they put you in range of KO, you just get rid of all the damage for no punishment.

Yeah, so if you could update you original list with any changes you've made.
Yeah I updated my list now it looks like this:
Pokemon (17)
3- Thundurus
1- Tornadus EX
2- Raikou EX
2- Zekrom
1- Smeargle
1- Mewtwo EX
4-3 Eelektrik
T/S/S (32)
2- N
3- Professor Oak's New Theory
4- Professor Juniper
4- Dual Ball
3- Pokemon Catcher
2- Switch
2- Level Ball
2- Random Receiver
4- Junk Arm
1- Super Rod
1- Pluspower
2- Eviolite
2- Skyarrow Bridge
Energy (11)
8- Lighting
3- DCE
Changed it up a lot got the cards i needed to make it more consistent and got 2nd at a Battle Roads with it.
^That list looks significantly better than what you originally posted. The only change i would make is maybe adding a 4th PONT, but that might just be player preference. Congratulations on your placement at battle roads!
armaldo1 said:
^That list looks significantly better than what you originally posted. The only change i would make is maybe adding a 4th PONT, but that might just be player preference. Congratulations on your placement at battle roads!
Thank you :D