• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Allergetic Eels EX (Zekrom EX, Eels, and Vilplume--wait, what?)

How well did I write the description like a Billy Mays ad?

  • Very Well

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Ok, I guess

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Not very well

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters

Red Striker

VGC Trainer

2 Zekrom EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Thundurus (EP)
4-3 Eelekrtik (#39 Tynamo)
2-2 Dodrio
3-1-2 Vileplume
1 Cleffa (Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek)


2 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Rare Candy
3 Collector
2 Twins
3 Sage's
2 Communication
3 Juniper


2 Prism
9 Electric

Description: Are Catchers making your Zekrom decks useless by making Eelektric sit as an active pokemon, and initially KOing it? Are Durants making your life a nightmare? Is CMT driving you insame? Hi, Red Striker here with VileRom, the one solution to most of your problems. The trick with this deck is the fact that Zekrom EX will constantally discard energy via Strong Volt, OHKOing Durants with ease, even if they have an Evolite and four Special Metal energies attached. Oh wait, they won't be attaching Evolite because Vileplume prevents the said action from happening, as well as Evolite-attaching from a deck like Six Corners. Back to the topic of Zekrom EX, as it discards energies, you can be charging up a Mewtwo EX or another Zekrom EX with Eelektrik, as it takes Energies from the discard to another benched pokemon. The best part? with Skyarrow Bridge and a Benched Dodrio, Zekrom and Mewtwo have a free Retreat Cost. But I'm not done yet! If you call right now, I'll add in a bonus! You get all those PLUS one Thundurus, one Terrakion, and one full set of Raikou/Entei LEGND. Fighing-types can be a drag for Zekrom EX, but with Thundurus, most of those pokemon need a 2-3HKO. Besides, with the Thunder Genie, you can take energy from the deck and attatch them to him, and then send them to the discard pile! If you're up against another Zekrom deck, perposley have the opponent KO Thundurus to gain an OHKO on even another Zekrom EX with Terrakion and it's Revenge Killing powers. Amazing! Call now!
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

That many stantler is not necessary, and I would just get rid of it all together and replace it with more collector if it was me. I think that dodrio or something would be helpful because because 3 eelektriks would be hard to set up and put on the bench all at the same time, so retreating for 2 plus discarding 2 energies will be hard to get back all with eelektrik in one turn. Dodrio may take up a lot of space, but it might work. In the energies do you mean 10 electrics? If that is the case then I think 2 or so should be cut because 17 seems a lot of energy in one deck to me.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Yeah, definitely max out Collector. Also, I'm not sure why you're running Eviolite. I'm guessing you're either unaware that it's blocked by your own Vileplume or you added it in great quantities to increase the odds that you'd draw one before you got Vileplume out. The latter isn't a terrible idea, but I don't think I'd waste all that space for a single possible Eviolite. I'd replace them with twins, to help get plume out consistently or just drop plume.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

@Jirachi: Yes, I meant 10 electric energy. I forgot to add the symbol. Also, I was considering adding Dodrio instead of Stantler when I was planning, but now that you mention it, the deck would be better off with Dodrio. Skyarrow Bridge+Dodrio= free retreat for Zekrom EX and Mewtwo EX.

@LLamajones24: I suppose Evolite is in the deck because I was hoping to get them before I got out Vileplume, but that's still a bit of a gamble.

Alright, these are the changes:

-4 Evolite
-3 Stantler
-2 Electric Energy
+2 Collector
+2 Twins
+2-2 Dodrio
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

What are the prism energy there for?

If you're going to be running Mewtwo Ex as secondary attacker, and want to run the risk of using special energies...(some pokemon boost attack, and some discard special energy with attacks)...then max double colorless for Mewtwo Ex.

He abuses those things like a boss. I don't see the reason to run prisms in this deck.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Ok, Prism is there so I'm able to be prepared for any of the EX's I get out first, depending on the situation. However, I will make this change:

-2 Prism Energy
+1 Electric energy
+1 DCE
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

I'd switch out elm's for communication because it works better.I'd also definitely add sage's training in the place of some PONT and cilan, because usually getting out energies wouldn't be a problem. A thundurus or tornadus could also be good. Thundurus for discarding energy and tornadus for donphan, though I prefer thundurus.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

I'd up the Candies to 3-4 and run 4-2-3 Vileplume. Maybe run more Twins...
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Jirachi said:
A thundurus or tornadus could also be good. Thundurus for discarding energy and tornadus for donphan, though I prefer thundurus.
Zekrom IS the energy discarder.

Jirachi said:
I'd switch out elm's for communication because it works better
What if I'm unable to get Eelektrik out before I get Vileplume out. Actually, one second thought, maybe I'll remove an Elm's for a Communication.

Jirachi said:
I'd also definitely add sage's training in the place of some PONT and cilan, because usually getting out energies.
Yeah, that would help a lot.

Card Slinger J said:
I'd up the Candies to 3-4 and run 4-2-3 Vileplume. Maybe run more Twins...
I can see why you would suggest Twins, with the EX prize rule. As for the other suggestions, I'll have to see what I can take out.

Overall chnges:

-2 Elm's
-1 Cilan
-1 Collector

~5 total~

+1 Oddish
+1 Rare Candy
+2 Sage's
+2 Communication

I don't know where I'm going to get the space for another Twins...


-1 Elm's
+1 Collector
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

So, are there any more suggestions out there? I'd like to get a few more, unless this deck list is already at max potential.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Ask yourself why you are running Vileplume. In most decks, including ChandePlume and Truth variants, she's only run in a 3-X-2 line, where X are the glooms which can be 0-2 total, typically just 1. Vileplume isn't an attacker, you only need one up at a time, and her job is done. Stacking them provides no additional benefit, and only clogs bench space. More Vileplumes improves consistency, but this can be fixed with a better draw and seeker engine via Communication, PONT, and so. So, once Vileplume is up, all future Oddish/Gloom/Plume draws are dead, and are either junk-arm trash or communication fodder, which can still be improved with tech cards that can help if needed.

Vileplume isn't an attack, only one needs to be up throughout the game, and she can't be catchered up. Running a thick baseline of Oddish helps provide a foundation in which you place 2 Oddish at once so that it can be Candy Plumed next turn, or Gloomed soon, and avoid catcher-KOs preventing it from being evolved.

While I can see why you want to run a thicker line, I do disagree that it's needed, and you're better off running more TSS.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Definitely need to max out sage's and add juniper. They discard well. Maybe tornados or zapdos or regular zekrom? Also might want to add these in the place of cilan and some energies.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Wow, I'm suprised this topic is still getting reviews.

OK, let's go over a few things:

Viole said:
Ask yourself why you are running Vileplume. In most decks, including ChandePlume and Truth variants, she's only run in a 3-X-2 line, where X are the glooms which can be 0-2 total, typically just 1. Vileplume isn't an attacker, you only need one up at a time, and her job is done. Stacking them provides no additional benefit, and only clogs bench space. More Vileplumes improves consistency, but this can be fixed with a better draw and seeker engine via Communication, PONT, and so. So, once Vileplume is up, all future Oddish/Gloom/Plume draws are dead, and are either junk-arm trash or communication fodder, which can still be improved with tech cards that can help if needed.

Okay, so maybe I don't need as thick of a line for Vileplume. Maybe a 4-1-2 Will suffice.

Jirachi said:
Definitely need to max out sage's and add juniper. They discard well. Maybe tornados or zapdos or regular zekrom? Also might want to add these in the place of cilan and some energies.

I'll consider that. Perhaps drop a Zekrom EX and and Energy for a Thunderus and a Zapdos.

I'm going to need some time to think this over.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Okay, I made quite a few changes to where, rather than posting all the changes made, I'll just post the new decklist:

~Pokemon (23)~

2 Zekrom EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Terrakion
3-3 Eelektrik (#39 NV Tynamo)
2-2 Dodrio (UD)
4-1-2 Vileplume
1 Tornadus (Hurricane)

~TSS (23)~

4 Juniper
4 Sage's
3 Collector
3 Rare Candy
2 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Twins
3 Cilan
2 Elm's

~Energy (14)~

2 Prism
8 Electric
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Come on, isn't there any more advice for this deck?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Red Striker said:
Come on, isn't there any more advice for this deck?

I really think your deck could work.

Might I suggest you to run raikou entei legend tech? It has an attack with [L][C] that does 80 damage to ALL pokemon with poke powers while discarding all attached energy. with your dynamotor, you could set this up in only 1 turn. This card is mainly used to kill off CMT/tyram decks in particular.

For CMT: Usually they play 1~3 celebis in their bench, most of the time 2. Some CMT decks run smeargles and shaymins too and REL can take full advantage of that. You could surprise them with this using dynamotor and ninja KO them for 2~4 prizes at least. Plan the time to put them down mid~late game. Usually at this time, the CMT people are using celebis as junk arm cards. With your vileplume, most of the time they would think "meh why not just bench them, can't use trainers anyway" without knowing the pressence of REL. You can completely shut them down early too if they benched too many. Putting REL down to take your remaining prizes for the win! (2~4) You have the surprise element at your side.

REL can't be OHKO'd unless mewtwo has 7 energies (which is quite ridiculous and impossible if you run your own mewtwo). It can be 2HKO'd by tornadus though, but also with your vileplume in play, after 1 wave of attack, and he replied with hurricane, you can just retreat and sit REL in the bench and ready to go the next round where seem fit to do so.

For Typhlo: Just attack twice for the win. With your vileplume out, REL can't be OHKO'd. REL has 140 HP and usually Tyrams max damage is 120. Of course if they play reshi ex and is in play, wait till you take out his reshi ex to 2HKO ALL yes i repeat, ALL his typhlos. It's an autowin when he has no typhlos.

Other matchups: You can use the fire typing to your advantage but very unlikely that you'll need him though. most probably he's a junk card for your sage and juniper for other matchups. You could use it to snipe out smeargles if you see that it's worth it to stop them from using your supporters.

I see that you're running 2 twins only. This might affect the chances of getting this card and rare candy vileplume out though without discarding some partially important cards.. Just my 2 cents.

I do know that ideally you want sky arrow bridge as early as possible before your vileplume. But do you have a back up plan if you don't get it and able to get T2 vileplume? I really think you'll be fine with elektriks in this deck to get about this. This deck looks really solid and could really work IMO.
Edit: my bad, stadiums can be played when vileplume is out.

I'm curious though, what would you get T1 collector? against a deck that can T1 KO you. 1 tynamo 2 oddish? or 1 tynamo 1 oddish 1 doduo? or 1 doduo 2 oddish? I think what you take for collector would determine your game completely. 1 mistake or some bad luck and poof! you're behind. I would personally increase the twins count to 3 and cut back the oddish to 3 imo.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

After testing this at leage today, I found that two Mewtwo EXs is unethical. I don't know what to replace it with, but currently, Rescue Energy fills in for it. I believe there are better solution, but what...

Also, I've considered replacing Elm's with Communication. Today at league I left all of my Elm's at home and used Communications as a sumsitute. Suprisingly, I got a T2 Vileplume in most of my games. Also, I'm replacing Cilan with PONT.

(-3 Cilan, +3 PONT)

Also, I might have to think about that tech @bendanzhu...
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

-3 cilan
+3 Pokémon comm
Pokémon comm can get you quick eels and dodrio and gloom and vileplume and anything! Trainer lock still runs trainers just very little. or:
-3 Cilan
+2 Pokémon comm
+1 skyarrow

-1 sages
+1 cleffa

cleffa is a great card b/c its an easy way for you to get ur opponent 2 kill it to activate ur twins while helping you at the same time.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Rougechomp said:
-3 cilan
+3 Pokémon comm
Pokémon comm can get you quick eels and dodrio and gloom and vileplume and anything! Trainer lock still runs trainers just very little. or:
-3 Cilan
+2 Pokémon comm
+1 skyarrow

Please tell me you read this before posting:

Red Striker said:
Also, I'm replacing Cilan with PONT.

(-3 Cilan, +3 PONT)

Also, with the one less Mewtwo, I could make room for that possible tech of Raikou/Entei LEGEND. Just remove another Sage's.

Also, I don't think I need so many Juniper's, so I'm removing one for a Cleffa.

(-1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Sage's
-1 Juniper
+1-1 REL
+1 Cleffa)
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik with a side of Mewtwo EX and Vileplume

Ur last list had cilan on it, so i assumed you would keep it. It would be nice if you could edit the OP or your last post. no mini modding intended.