2 Zekrom EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Thundurus (EP)
4-3 Eelekrtik (#39 Tynamo)
2-2 Dodrio
3-1-2 Vileplume
1 Cleffa (Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek)
2 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Rare Candy
3 Collector
2 Twins
3 Sage's
2 Communication
3 Juniper
2 Prism
9 Electric
Description: Are Catchers making your Zekrom decks useless by making Eelektric sit as an active pokemon, and initially KOing it? Are Durants making your life a nightmare? Is CMT driving you insame? Hi, Red Striker here with VileRom, the one solution to most of your problems. The trick with this deck is the fact that Zekrom EX will constantally discard energy via Strong Volt, OHKOing Durants with ease, even if they have an Evolite and four Special Metal energies attached. Oh wait, they won't be attaching Evolite because Vileplume prevents the said action from happening, as well as Evolite-attaching from a deck like Six Corners. Back to the topic of Zekrom EX, as it discards energies, you can be charging up a Mewtwo EX or another Zekrom EX with Eelektrik, as it takes Energies from the discard to another benched pokemon. The best part? with Skyarrow Bridge and a Benched Dodrio, Zekrom and Mewtwo have a free Retreat Cost. But I'm not done yet! If you call right now, I'll add in a bonus! You get all those PLUS one Thundurus, one Terrakion, and one full set of Raikou/Entei LEGND. Fighing-types can be a drag for Zekrom EX, but with Thundurus, most of those pokemon need a 2-3HKO. Besides, with the Thunder Genie, you can take energy from the deck and attatch them to him, and then send them to the discard pile! If you're up against another Zekrom deck, perposley have the opponent KO Thundurus to gain an OHKO on even another Zekrom EX with Terrakion and it's Revenge Killing powers. Amazing! Call now!
2 Zekrom EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Terrakion (NV)
2 Thundurus (EP)
4-3 Eelekrtik (#39 Tynamo)
2-2 Dodrio
3-1-2 Vileplume
1 Cleffa (Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek)
2 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Rare Candy
3 Collector
2 Twins
3 Sage's
2 Communication
3 Juniper
2 Prism
9 Electric
Description: Are Catchers making your Zekrom decks useless by making Eelektric sit as an active pokemon, and initially KOing it? Are Durants making your life a nightmare? Is CMT driving you insame? Hi, Red Striker here with VileRom, the one solution to most of your problems. The trick with this deck is the fact that Zekrom EX will constantally discard energy via Strong Volt, OHKOing Durants with ease, even if they have an Evolite and four Special Metal energies attached. Oh wait, they won't be attaching Evolite because Vileplume prevents the said action from happening, as well as Evolite-attaching from a deck like Six Corners. Back to the topic of Zekrom EX, as it discards energies, you can be charging up a Mewtwo EX or another Zekrom EX with Eelektrik, as it takes Energies from the discard to another benched pokemon. The best part? with Skyarrow Bridge and a Benched Dodrio, Zekrom and Mewtwo have a free Retreat Cost. But I'm not done yet! If you call right now, I'll add in a bonus! You get all those PLUS one Thundurus, one Terrakion, and one full set of Raikou/Entei LEGND. Fighing-types can be a drag for Zekrom EX, but with Thundurus, most of those pokemon need a 2-3HKO. Besides, with the Thunder Genie, you can take energy from the deck and attatch them to him, and then send them to the discard pile! If you're up against another Zekrom deck, perposley have the opponent KO Thundurus to gain an OHKO on even another Zekrom EX with Terrakion and it's Revenge Killing powers. Amazing! Call now!