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Standard Alolan Muk GX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 16
  • 2 Alolan Grimer (SUM)
  • 2 Alolan Grimer (BUS)
  • 1 Alolan Muk (SUM)
  • 3 Alolan Muk GX (BUS)
  • 1 Drampa GX (GRI)
  • 2 Tapu Lele GX (GRI)
  • 1 Tapu Koko (SUM Promo)
  • 2 Salandit (GRI)
  • 2 Salazzle (GRI)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32
  • 2 Professor Sycamore (BKP)
  • 2 N (FCO)
  • 2 Skyla (BKT)
  • 2 Hala (GRI)
  • 3 Guzma (BUS)
  • 2 Acerola (BUS)
  • 1 Brigette (BKT)
  • 3 Ultra Ball (SUM)
  • 3 Heavy Ball (BKT)
  • 3 Devolution Spray (EVO)
  • 2 Field Blower (GRI)
  • 3 Choice Band (GRI)
  • 2 Rescue Stretcher (GRI)
  • 2 Po Town (BUS)
Energy: 12
  • 8 Darkness Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

I mostly play for fun, although everyone likes to win. We play every Monday at a local card shop and it's a mix of meta decks and not so meta decks. My boyfriend usually aims to top, but I just want to not go 0-5 every week. My main strategy with this deck is to hit hard and hopefully only need to hit once. I have only practiced against my boyfriend's Gardevoir GX deck so far (I'm still waiting on a couple cards, so I was stuck proxying), and it didn't go as well as I had hoped. My biggest issue has been getting energy out, but I don't know what to add/subtract to help. (My other deck is Bulu/Koko/Vikavolt so I'm used to having strong charge, which probably makes this deck seem even slower to me.)

I'll be honest, the Tapu Koko promo is in here solely for the Alolan Ninetales from Burning Shadows with Luminous Barrier because multiple people that we play against have put them into their decks and I'm sick of not being able to attack (especially with Hex Maniac rotating). I currently have two of each Grimer because I'm not sure yet which will be more beneficial. I may end of with a different count after playing more.
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