alphabet soup!!


Aspiring Trainer
Hey i'm new to this site. Can someone please start explaining some of the lingo on here? For instance:
RS? - huh?
Rogue deck?
And what is that thing everyone does with <3 ???
If there's anymore, then please do tell.
Rouge deck-A deck not part of the current metagame that is not widely used, but is still good.
GG-Either the Gardevoir/Gallade deck or good game
<3 ???-I'm not really sure.

Hope I helped. :)
RE: alphabet soup!

vilebaseball said:
Someone... please... sticky... this... thread...
RE: alphabet soup!

That's the thread i needed but couldn't find (stupid search engine blows...)
Also, what is the Metagame?
RE: alphabet soup!

No one was notified, so there was no stick. Anyway, is there a better place that this thread could go to, rather than just a "here are our articles!" place? Tell me, then I'll move it, and stick it.
RE: alphabet soup!

Maybe TCG Rulings or Gen. Discussion would be best. While you're at it, you could move the "Misunderstandings and Mistakes" sticky in general to rulings and save them a lot of time.