Ruling Altaria Platinum


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, my last question for today is about Altaria from Platinum, he has 2 attacks that works in combo:

{C} Midnight Eyes 20
The Defending Pokémon is asleep

{C}{C} Perish Song
If the Defending Pokémon is Asleep and was damaged or affected by Nightmid Eyes during your last turn, the Defending Pokémon is Knocked Out.

Ok my questions are, do Midnight Eyes needs to damage the defending Pokemon for Perish Song be able to KO the next turn, or just make asleep my opponent pokemon using it is enough?

Also, if Alratia sucessfully damaged and made asleep the Defending Pokémon by using Midnight Eyes, can i use a different Alratia from my bench to KO my opponent using Perish Song, or it needs to be the exact same Altaria that attacked during my last turn?

At last, if i attacked and affected the Defending Pokémon with Midnight Eyes but he got right his coin and is awake, but i managed to get it asleep by using the pokepower of Hypno HGSS, i can KO him?

Thanks a lot.
1) You need to have either damaged or affected the Defending Pokemon in some way for Perish Song's criteria to be fulfilled.

2) You can use a different Altaria. The attack is a check of the game state; if the Pokemon you want to attack was hit last turn by any Altaria's Midnight Eyes, and is asleep at the time you attack, Perish Song knocks it out (unless prevented by an effect such as Unown G).

3) You can KO him with Perish Song, provided you put the same Defending Pokemon back to sleep (by whatever means, be it Hypno HS or Darkrai MD), and if the effect of the attack is not blocked by an effect such as Unown G.