Ruling Am I an idiot?


Aspiring Trainer
Can I ask about the Rising Rivals Eeveelutions?

The Pokepower "Undevelop" allows you to return, say Flareon, back into your hand. Can you then evolve it straight back into Flareon (using the same card you just returned to your hand) to abuse the "Evolving Flare" attack which does more damage if you evolved into Flareon in that turn?

I assume that you can't, I just thought I'd query it. But you can undevelop Flareon and Evolve into, say Jolteon, in the same turn?

Any info is appreciated! Cheers
As far as I remember, devolution counts as a method of evolution, so the answer would be no.
Use Broken Time-Space for abusing.
You can't evolve after devolving unless you use Broken Time Space or a rare candy. BTS is of course preferred for a stage 1.

This is because devolving counts as evolving as "Eevee" has just entered play.
FireMeowth said:
As far as I remember, devolution counts as a method of evolution, so the answer would be no.
Use Broken Time-Space for abusing.

Ah I see. So if I devolve from Flareon to Eevee, I can't re-evolve in the same turn, even if it's too a different eeveelution? Only if I have BTS which allows me to evolve twice in a turn?

Legend, Thanks!