Amphachu's top cut reports for Jenks and Tulsa, OK with Arceus


Aspiring Trainer
Well, a group of friends and I head out from Arkansas to go hit up a battle roads down in Jenks. My deck choices were either Luxchomp or Arceus. I felt more comfortable with Arceus, so I chose that. Not, this is getting typed up on my IPhone, it may not be all that great.

Round 1 vs. Chris w/ Luxchomp featuring DGX

He gets a quick deafen lock on me. I just keep on passing with a bench filled with loaded Arceus. He finally goes to get out Luxray, giving me the ability to play ultimate zone and other trainers. We get it down to 1-3 prizes when time was called. He was only able to grab one of them giving me the win

Round 2 vs. Taylor w/ Sablelock
I shouldn't have won this, but he had his garchomps, 2 sp radar, and Honchkrow prized.

Round 3 vs. Michael with Kingdra/Gengar
This match was fun. Michael is the guy who has been winning all the tournaments here in Arkansas, and I've never had the chance to battle him in an actual tournament. He starts out pretty well, and gets double kingdras out, so I follow up with benching a grass and fire arceus. He gets ahead on prizes, so I follow up being able to prize count a belted kingdra to pull ahead. After that, he did some damage with gengars, but I was able to sky spear for my last 3 prizes.

Round 4 vs. Christian w/ Dialgachomp
He gets the turn 1 deafen, and I have an active fire arceus. He never sets up, so I top decked a dce leveled up and used fast wave for the ko. He was basically done after that.

Round 5 vs. Joel w/ Vilegar
He starts with spiritomb, and keeps the lock going the whole game, and I couldnt draw into any ultimate zones. He koed my water arceus, and walled me with mewtwo. I scooped.

Top 4 vs. Taylor w/ Sablelock
Game 1:
He gets a lock on my hand t1, and controlled the whole game.

Game 2:
Went pretty much like game one.

Well, I feel that I did great, and had a great time.

Everyone from Bentonville doing great
Arceus for being pro
Top cutting with Arceus
Pulling a KGL top from my 2 packs.

Sablelock for being good
Losing focus in top cuts

That's it, and I'm going to try to go to Tulsa tomorrow for another showing with Arceus.

Tulsa, OK

David and I were the only ones to head down to Tulsa out of the group that went to Jenks. I decided to run Arceus again because I liked the turnout from yesterday. Here we go!

Round 1 vs. Bye
Yeah....I walked around, and watched what was getting played.

Round 2 vs. Savannah w/ MACHAMP/Donphan
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! !!! I knew I was going to lose this game.....We set up, and in my beginning hand was Water Arceus, Fighting Arceus, 2 water energy, Arceus Lv.X, and Ultimate Zone. I go first.....great.....I draw, and end. She goes, and gets out Machamp T1, and takes out my Water Arceus. My turn, I top deck a Collector!!! I get out a dark and psychic Arceus along with Lucario GL. I bench them all, and attach an energy to the psychic Arceus. Next turn, she gets up another Machamp, and takes out my current active. My turn, I return ko her Machamp with Prize count. She kos that Arceus again, and I send out something else to sacrifice. I manage to get up another Psychic Arceus Lv it up, and Prize Count again to KO her second Machamp. After that, she told me that she misplayed to get out her 3rd Machamp, and tried to tank with Donphan. I send up a water Arceus and ohko her Donphan. After I did that, she couldnt do anything else, and I sky speared for my last prizes. Wow.....I beat Machamp....

Round 3 vs. David w/ Kingdra/Gengar.
After David vents a little about having to go up against me, We get set up, and he jokes about how he is going to donk me......My opening hand was 3 Ultimate zones, a Collector, Beginning Door, Psychic Arceus, and a Water Energy.....I go first, and ask if he had the donk. He said maybe.....He does some fancy stuff with Uxie, and ends up getting out Kingdra Prime...He then used PONT, and what did he get?????NO EXPERT BELT WOOT! No donk for him! He does 70 to my Arceus leaving it at 10 hp left. I do some fancy stuff with collector, Beginning Door, and Great Balls, and Ripple Swell. He gets a couple more Kos, but its really hard for him cause I benched a Fire Arceus. He ends up sending out a Gengar, and Lvl downs my active to ko it. I send up my dark Arceus, and revenge ko it with Prize count, and he flips tails on Fainting Spell. After a while, I ko his belted Kingdra leaving the prizes at 3-4. During his turn, he looks down and sees that I have 9 energy on my bench with a Colorless Arceus too. He scooped cause he knew I was going to Sky Spear for my last prizes.


Round 4 vs. Chris w/ Luxchomp featuring DGX
Rematch from Jenks I guess. I get a meh start, and he gets ahead on the prize exchange. In the long run, he wins with me still having 2 prizes left.


Round 5 vs. Joel with Vilegar
Again, another rematch from Jenks. I felt bad this match. He had the worst start imaginable, and on top of that, he went first. He tried to do some stuff to get up a Spiritomb, but couldnt, so he psycic resotred his Uxie under leaving Azelf active with a benched oddish. I play Collector, Beginning Door, and Great Ball to get a full bench, retreat, and Ripple Swell. After that, he just tries to Lock me active with Azelf. I end up Sky Spearing every oddish he drops, and he never could get the lock on me. After a while, he started Shadow Rooming my bench, while I couldnt get any energy onto my active due to no Ultimate Zone. I finally was able to get a Rainbow, and used Leaf Refresh to start undoing his Shadow Rooms. After time got called, he was down 2-6 in prizes, and he couldnt get Gengar Lv.X to even up the score, so he scooped.


Awesome. I went 4-1 again, and make top 4 again.

Top 4 vs. Taylor w/ Gyarados.
Game 1:
Huh...I faced against Taylor in T4 in Jenks too.....Lets just say that he is better than I a lot. I make some misplays, and he jumps on them. Im able to take a couple prizes, but I end up getting behind on the prize exchange, and scoop.

Game 2:
He gets a pretty weak start to my pretty good start. He makes a big misplay, and I try jumping on it, but he ends up getting a charged Gyarados out, and reversals into my Lucario to KO it. Without Lucario, I knew I could keep up the damage, so I scooped.


Went 4-2 again. Not to bad I must say. I feel that Arceus will end up being a great choice to play in upcoming tournaments, and be a real front runner.

Michael for being cool, and helpful
Arceus for once again making top cuts
Reeces for being delicious
Beating Machamp with Arceus
Amazing Top Decks
Taylor for being a great player

David going 2-3
Michael for not doing to great either
Gyarados for being to pro for me
Good article Man.

I enjoyed the weekend although my record was pretty bad.
The game that you beat Savannah was pretty intense. You couldn't stop smiling after it!

Are you heading to Tulsa for PR?
Good job, I did pretty decent with Arceus myself.