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Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 15 (8 basic)
  • 3-1-3 Ampharos DRX
  • 3-3 Drifblim (2 PLB 1 DRX)
  • 1 Thundurus Ex
  • 1 Emolga DRX
Trainers 33
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 1 Colress
  • 3 Pokemon Catcher
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Team Plasma Badge
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 1 Dowsing Macine
  • 2 Frozen City
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 3 Switch
Energy 12
  • 4 Plasma
  • 8 Electric
Basic plan is to get out Ampharos and Frozen City to make energy attachments do 50 damage to the opponent if they aren't plasma pokemon, and 30 if they are plasma. The Drifblim line is incase of plasma pokemon. With 3 on the opponents side it has no energy cost to attack and can discard special energy, with the DRX one doing more damage per special energy in the discard. Added in plasma badges to make use of colress machine and to be able to freely attach energy when frozen city is out and to take advantage of Raiden Knuckle.

This is my first pass at making this deck. I have been contemplating adding in a few DCE, other plasma pokemon, and even some silver items, but not too sure what.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
have you thought about maybe Accelgor? For 1 DCE (only 20 damage) you can deal damage and get Ampharos into the active spot. Who then cleans up if needed.
Thats actually an interesting idea. Though the problem is to get accelgor into the active in the first place would require a switch/keldeo floatstone. Idk how if that will actually work. Plus it would leave me without a counter to the ever popular team plasma pokemon and virizion. It will also be able to use switch or catcher to get around Ampharos to attach energy. Its nothing like item locking after paralysis and poison.
^ Or just a Float Stone in general, but yeah. I'm actually really interested on how the Drifblim might work in this deck, considering the fact that with one Ampharos Damage, Drifblim 2HKOs EXs. However, I would definitely use DCE in this deck because of how Ampharos' as well as Drifblim's attacks require colorless. Now, I bet you're wondering, why for Drifblim? Well, say you face a Darkrai Hydra deck. They still run both Prisms and Blends, making a discarding card like Drifblim dangerous for them. One thing I might keep in mind is the fact that, perhaps, switching the PLB and DRX around to where there are more Dragons Exalted Drifblims instead of Plasma Blasts? Just a thought.

Whereas I agree with throwing in DCE, but the fact is, you have too much stuff in order to put it in. What I might consider is taking out the Colress Machine Engine, considering the fact that with DCE, it's kind of useless. After that is done, I might use the extra cards from Colress Machine to throw into consistency, for instance Ultra Ball or Level Ball. I would probably then take out a couple of Electric Energy, as you are running too much, and then throw in a Tool Scrapper (you kind of lose to Darkrai Garbodor without it. ;) ) as well as a Rare Candy, as three isn't the most consistent.

Another thought, what about dropping the Computer Search for a Dowsing Machine to grab extra Switch, another Plasma Badge, Frozen City or what have you? Just a couple of thoughts.
i was actually thinking about dowsing machine. It would work in tandem with super rod to allow me to grab more rare candy with the extra mareep/ampharos. comp search is usually the first ace spec i toss in to test, since it is the most consistently a good ace spec.

I could also just toss in 3 DCE over 3 of the electric energy, only 3 since all i have is 3 atm. making it 4 plasma, 3 DCE, and 5 electric energy. Having both Colress machine and DCE can get up drifblim in 1 turn to attack with everything set up.

But you are right to mention darkrai/hydreigon. With max potion it would make for a terrible match up for ampharos. Being able to attach energy to the bench and then move it around and max potion. That would be a huge advantage over this deck.

thx for the input.

Edit: I am also thinking about Exp Shares, but then the pokemon becomes catcher bait and the exp shares do nothing.

Also is there any cards that can help counter Darkrai Hydreigon. Cause i cant really think of any.