Ruling Ampharos (PT) vs. Dusknoir LVX


Aspiring Trainer
Quick question,

Amphy locks Powers, correct? (Well, with damage counters, XD)

Now, my question is, would Ampharos cancel out Dusknoir LVX's Poke-Power?

Yes it would because when Dusknoir is able to activate its power it is being KOed, so it needs to have damage counters on it, but because of Ampharos it is not able to activate. Same goes for Gengar's Feinting Spell.
Yes. The damage is still on Dusknoir when the Power would activate. I think we had a couple questions on this awhile ago, but I can't seem to find them...
So would the power work if, say, LA Jirachi KOed Dusknoir with Doom Desire? Since that attack is an auto-KO and doesn't damage Dusknoir?
Lord Atmo said:
So would the power work if, say, LA Jirachi KOed Dusknoir with Doom Desire? Since that attack is an auto-KO and doesn't damage Dusknoir?

Dusknoir X's Power is only activated if it's knocked out from the damage of an attack. So, in that case, no it would no activate.