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Aspiring Trainer

I dont play pokemon tcg about 4 years, but i used to play a lot when I was kid. I think I will participate in next week national tournament so I need some advice about building a deck. Ampharos and Tangrowth was a combination I thought it was cool, but since I saw only the Call of Legends series, you could sugest something more interesting, since i'll be buying single cards to build this. Here it goes:

3-3-3 Ampharos CoL
3-3 Tangrowth CoL
3 Snorlax CoL

(Need some big advice here)Trainers:
3 switches
2 Copycat
3 Research Record
3 Cheerleader Cheer
2 Rare Candy (Idk if I can use these in the tornament)
3 dualballs
2 ETMethod

11 GE
11 EE


The strategy is quite simple: Ampharos as a starter and Tangrowth Energy Charger. Tangela is a great openner too, imo. Snorlax as a wall and some damage taker.

My main concern about this deck is the speed and the energy burn. Idk if it can play fast enough since you need a lot of energies to make some massive damage.

I will apreciate any kind of advice and other great deck sugestions would be apreciated! Thank you :D

(Sorry if the name of the topic isnt right and also my english that isnt the best. Cheers)
the first advice will be not to use too many energies. i guess in the current format, 12-16 is the right count. 22 is way too many.
^eh it depends. if its a deck that burns through energy like no ones buisness (my magneboar 23....it still seems like not enough lol) then it should be fine. for this you want alot but not 22... maybe more like 18

but now comes the worst part for me...when i suggest stuff for the deck

- 3 snorlax
- 3 switch
- 3 Research record
- 2 Grass
- 2 Electric

+ 2 PONT
+ 2 candy
+ 2-2 Dodrio
+ 4 Cleffa/Minun/Stantler
+ 1 PETM

that should make it run smoothly
instead of the ampharos line (it'll take way too long to get a stage 2 set up...if you have a chance with this deck, it will be with speed) and replace it with shaymin UL and pachirisu CoL. pachirisu to put 2 lightning energies on, plus the one energy for turn (onto tangrowth) then shaymin down to move the energies on pachirisu onto tongrowth. boom 60 damage accumilated in one turn of energies and you still can attack, instead of waiting a turn with ampharos.

you'll also want cards like energy search and interviewer's questions to get your energies. then you'll want super scoop up and seeker to get your pachirisu and shaymin up to attach more energies to your second tangrowth to get ready for when your first will get knocked out. you'll want to increase your tangrowth line to 4-4 as well since it's your main attacker.

because of taking out ampharos, you can take out the rare candies. you can also take out snorlax because for 4 energies you'll do the same amount of damage as tangrowth with 4 energies, and tangrowth can add more to do more damage. and snorlax sends energies to the lost zone (1 per attack).

you also really need double colorless energies and rescue energies. 4 DCE and 2 or 3 rescue. a DCE will count as 2 energies which helps a lot for you, because attach that to tangela turn 1, then turn 2 put another energy (maybe even another DCE) to the now tangrowth, then do the pachirisu/shaymin thing and suddenly you have the equivalent of 6 energies on tangrowth for 120 damage on turn 2.

sadly, ampharos is just too slow for this format to help tangrowth enough. good idea though

your deck list should look something like this"

4-4 tangrowth
3 pachirisu
3 shaymin

4 Pokemon Collector (gotta get them shaymin/pachirisu out)
4 switch (tangrowth is bulky)
4 Interviewer's Questions
3 Seeker
3 Energy Search
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Super Scoop Up

3 Rescue
2 Grass
10 Lightning

60 total.

you could take out the rescue energies if you'd like and replace them with one of the staple starters (smeargle or cleffa) to help set up faster but I think that your deck may run better and faster without them. and keeping your tangrowth (or sacrificing a pachirisu or shaymin with a rescue energy attached to be able to lay them down for their power to set up a tangrowth faster mid-game) could prove very helpful.
I got to thank you all for your kindly support. I will test the thing with the sugestions you gave me and write here the final (or close to final) thing.

Ty one more time.